Okie stuff, caught in the Act, and doing all the things!!

So, we picked a spot for my Okie swag to hang. Bam!

He told me to look like I was having fun in the picture. Not sure what it looks like I'm doing, other than being a poor dresser... I'm guessing he doesn't like me for my after-work fashion sense. I either have professional duds, or running wear. This...this is something.

But look at that Okie schwaaag! Thanks dude!

Back to the Act

 Reading on in Acts 16, Paul and Silas traveled where the Holy Spirit led them. They were beaten and imprisoned for preaching the Word of God. (How many people have been beaten and imprisoned so far? I've lost count!) While in prison they prayed and sang hymns, and God opened the doors and released the shackles from their feet. However, they did not run out to freedom. They remained, as they should, and had the opportunity to convert the jailer! How awesome is that?! Afterwards, they were released without further harm.

If you've seen or read anything online in recent days, you know that Christians are facing a lot of criticism, ridicule, and judgement. We are beginning to see where we are allowed to preach, and where we are not allowed. There are many who call themselves Christian that are fighting against change, but not in a way pleasing to God. There are many who call themselves Christian that are refusing to get involved. Still there are many more that call themselves Christian that are just confused, and lost.

How should we act? How should we approach the opposition? 

Love already won. On the cross. No need to fight anymore. We will continue to face darkness, guaranteed. This world was already fallen, and it is sinking ever more. Take the Word of God and tattoo it on your soul so that you can stand for your belief; do what is right instead of what is easy so you will be seen as true and faithful; stand firm and trust in our Creator to deliver us from this evil so that you will be seen as a true follower of Christ.

Christians will be persecuted in this country some day. The time is coming. I don't know if I want it to happen after I'm gone so I can avoid the pain, or if I want it to be a chapter in my story so that I can stand strong in the face of evil and show it what true love can do. I spent an hour today with God about where this world is going in my time, what my purpose is, and what my future will look like. I'm just as lost as before, and hoping that I have the strength to remain calm until my God-given purpose is fulfilled.
The goings on

Mowing, weeding, fishing, napping, cooking (did I? oh yes, I did. I'm not good at fried stuff, btw), and working out. I have done so much in the past 4 days, and have 4 days left in the work week to do more.
In case you're wondering, today was day 2 of the new fitness training. I've even picked up a workout partner! Hopefully we'll be crushing it on the reg. By Monday I assume my arms and legs won't be functioning, so posts may be delayed as I learn to type with my nose. :)

As you know, I'm an emotional person. There is bound to be some feelings this week. It's my birthday week (month, season, however long I choose), it's end-of-month payroll ON my birthday, and we have a holiday. This all means lots of work, lots of stress, and lots of stuff going on. Say a prayer for my fave that I don't drown him in tears. (ps I finally cried in front of him for really no reason, totally not embarrassed about it, and he totally made me feel like less of a 'tard. Win for him.)


How was your weekend?

What did you have for breakfast?

Did you workout today?? Don't lie....


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