Doing ALLLLLLL the things!!
Can I get a hooray for Tuesday? Bye Monday, Bye!
I have no exercise to report for the last 24 hours, but don't worry, I'll be fine.
My hair is wild today, as it has been. It's officially summer now, so big hair don't care.
Let's see what was up over the weekend!
My photo dump is a bit light for this Tuesday. I HAVE pictures of stuff on my SD card, but my phone is on a vacation back to Samsung, and the loaner phone doesn't want to send the messages out to my blog editor. Sooo....I only have a few photos from my tablet camera.
4 Samsungs, pic taken with Samsung tablet. I may be a fan.
Friday night we took his scooter to the Rex II to watch Tomorrowland. Awesome! Watch it if you get a chance. It's appropriate for young ones, and fun enough for us grown folk.
We installed the heavy bag so I can go back to pretending I'm an MMA fighter.
I did 15 mins shadow boxing + 30 mins bag work. I'm hoping to ease back into this. I have to go slow so I don't over work my wrists and shins.
#C built this for me because he's just that good. You might be jealous, and that's ok.
Sunday was a good day. Donuts before church, a trip around the block to check out our recent flooding, worship in the dark, lunch with his family, and some quite time with my favorite.
I got mad at AT&T at one point, and decided to handle it like an adult: I took a 3 hour nap, ate pizza, and watched Transformers.
Hopefully I'll capture this week on my tablet cam and you'll get to see all that is happening.
I have no exercise to report for the last 24 hours, but don't worry, I'll be fine.
My hair is wild today, as it has been. It's officially summer now, so big hair don't care.
Let's see what was up over the weekend!

4 Samsungs, pic taken with Samsung tablet. I may be a fan.
Friday night we took his scooter to the Rex II to watch Tomorrowland. Awesome! Watch it if you get a chance. It's appropriate for young ones, and fun enough for us grown folk.

I did 15 mins shadow boxing + 30 mins bag work. I'm hoping to ease back into this. I have to go slow so I don't over work my wrists and shins.

Sunday was a good day. Donuts before church, a trip around the block to check out our recent flooding, worship in the dark, lunch with his family, and some quite time with my favorite.
I got mad at AT&T at one point, and decided to handle it like an adult: I took a 3 hour nap, ate pizza, and watched Transformers.
Hopefully I'll capture this week on my tablet cam and you'll get to see all that is happening.
Bag Buddies!