Co-garden UPDATE!!!. I ran last night, and...doing all the things!

Tuesday. Tuesday. Tuesday. Are you chanting that like "Rudy. Rudy. Rudy"? you are.

It's a payroll day. It's not a Monday. It's not raining! I made it to the gym! (I actually started this post last night, so at the time this part wasn't true, but I hoped it would be by morning) ((It's not true. I stayed in bed. Don't judge, you didn't go to the gym either))

What do we have going on today? Let's check it out
Real gardens have curves.

It's the Co-garden show!!!

Look at how things grow.

Spearmint and Chocolate Mint
Lemon Balm

We have:
cherry tomatoes
chocolate-cherry tomatoes
cantaloupe (that you canta-see)
banana peppers
Bell Peppers
Sweet 100 cherry
early girl tomatoes
bell pepper
jalapeno peppers (not pictured)
banana peppers
chocolate mint

chocolate basil...just kidding
lemon balm

Basil and cinnamon basil
Early Girl
Chocolate cherry

6ft tall cucumber plants


It's a very exciting time on the farm. It's also a very busy time. The large amount of rain helped the weeds sprout but impeded my ability to ...weed. It's a little wild out there, but, I'm playing catch up. I'm also very allergic to mosquito bites and ant bites, and we are COVERED in them right now. I am trying out the Johnson's baby creamy oil to see if it will keep the skeeters away. Also, I have a new pair of rain boot en route (thank you Target) that will help keep the ants off of my toes since I otherwise do everything barefoot. So country. 

We're in it for production, not aesthetics. 

Not pretty, but productive
Running helps support your running blog

Running. Jogging. Yogging. Bouncy ponytail. Keeping up with that young guy that can run backwards faster than my forwards. Whatever you call it. I hauled my hiney around town last night on the heels of the guy, huffing and puffing. Completion is the key. Slow and steady wins finishes attends the race. This is a running blog, so I have to run now and then, or else I have to relabel it a 'gardening/emotion/pictures of some guy pointing' blog.

Distance: a little over 2.5 miles
Time: didn't (I really need a Garmin)
Temperature: mid 80s
Humidity: 1,000,000,000%

We didn't run as far as I had been, but I also haven't run in a while, so it was alright with me. With 2 people we had to change the route anyway, as I run alongside oncoming traffic and there isn't room for a second person in the death race.

I teased him for being a 'purist' and wanting to chat while running. You know this has never been easy for me. I need my music to zone out of the torture my body is going through. However, it was really easy to converse while chugging along. He did most of the talking, because he has more stamina and better stories. I did a little talking. (see if you can get my dad to believe I've ever done just a LITTLE talking). Visiting also leads to a loss of direction, as I had trouble trying to retrace our route this morning. I noticed things along the path that we had pointed out, talked about, etc, but overall I was a bit disorganized about the first few blocks of our run. Meh. Bonding is more important that tracking accurately. It's all good.

(save for a few dog attacks, we had a good run)
Other things I did

 Here is a picture of the strawberry cream cheese crepes from Sunday. I finished them this morning. I was told that if you put more fruit on them, it makes them healthier. Plus, whipped cream is dairy. So, there.

 Crock-pot BBQ chicken for sandwiches. I finally gave in and bought the liners. It leaked a little, but yeah, it's way better than crock-potting without.  ...and I doubted you.

 Crock-pot chicken gyros from the weekend. Mmmm, lunch....

Nothing says love I win love like whipping out 2 cartons of strawberry ice cream after dinner. ...and you doubted me.


  1. I complain when I attempt to run... does that count as chatting?


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