Why the face Wednesday, caught in the Act, and I hate running.

I'm already done with today. It's only 10:15am, and I'm done.

I know you feel me on this. I was awake a lot during the night with the weather, it was pouring at 5am so I missed my morning run/walk, I couldn't make it to the gym, and then I had to get out of bed and adult. Puh...

There is a season for all things, and today's season is for not doing any of the things I should do.

Thank goodness 'Prell will be here late tonight, she can relate to my lack of enthusiasm.

Caught in the Act

Peter and John were arrested for preaching the truth about Jesus. They stuck together, they didn't back down, they looked the council in the eye and told them to judge but they would still tell everyone who Jesus really is.

We spend our days working, playing, loving, fighting, sleeping, eating, etc. We are so busy doing what we 'have' to get done, and likely never see the end of that list. If I were to be arrested and thrown in jail, what would I have been caught in the act of? I can tell you with almost certainty that it wouldn't be preaching. I wouldn't be caught and arrested for telling people about Jesus. I wouldn't stand before a council and explain to them that I would continue to preach, and they could continue to judge. Not because I'm not willing to, not because I don't believe. I'm simply busy doing everything else. I'd more likely be caught cleaning, blogging, sleeping, or worrying. Maybe running and cursing my Pandora for not working.

Peter and John were doing what they were called to do. I think it helped that they had each other. Iron sharpens iron right? When we stick together, we encourage each other.

Two are better than one,
    because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down,
    one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
    and has no one to help them up.
 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
    But how can one keep warm alone?
Though one may be overpowered,
    two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. (Ecc 4:9-12)

In stress, in joy, in exercise, in blogging, in anger, in everything...don't try to do it alone. In ministry, definitely don't do it alone. God gave us each other for a purpose: strength. He didn't call the one disciple, he called the 12. He knows we are stronger together.

As far as getting caught in the act, I know I need to work on being more Christ-like. I need accountability because I'm a human full of sin and failure. I hope that someday I can become the kind of woman that would be caught preaching, or walking so close to Christ that you can't tell if it's Him or me, that I would be so loving and so rooted in the Word that there is no doubt where my faith lies. Let's all work on this with intention. You know me and acts of intention. If you're going to do something, you'd better be doing it with purpose and not just out of habit. Habits are about as useful as a $1 can opener.

(Go read Acts, the entire book. It's fantastic.)
Running is a terrible idea

I quit! I quit running. I quit. I ran 3 miles Monday, bad idea. Pandora kept screwing up, and you know I can't run without tunes. I cut 2 miles off of my route because I was mad. My rear looked huge under my hot pink tank. My shoes felt tight. It was really humid. My feet got wet. I ran out of water. Bah!

Sunday when I was on my board I at least had a P.F.D. to cover my G.U.T, but I realized I never have anything to hide my B.U.T. ...(ok, I know that's spelled wrong, but we had a thing going there, didn't we?) So Monday I ran. Whomp, whomp, whomp. That's what my hiney did as I chugged down the street. Mind you, I'm not self-conscious about it, I'm thrilled about my shape. I just realized how prominent it is at times. In a swimsuit, under fluorescent green shorts, or with a hot pink running tank bouncing off of it. No wonder dad refers to me as Kardash. All I can say, is if I wear a large at VS....wowzers.  

That's not why I hate running though. I hate running because I love it and it makes me mad. We're in a relationship.  Stupid love of things. 

I made myself feel better with this:

Some stuff to make you feel better 


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