Dancing and napping, but not at the same time.

Get your boots on, it's time for the weekend!

We have a rodeo, and some dancing, but first, hopefully we have a nap.

With more storms on the way, I don't expect to do many weekend-y things. I will have fun, I promise.

Here's a quick recap of all my leftovers this week, I hope you enjoy!

(no, I didn't run this week. But I yoga-ed)

...yes, that is totally me. ...no it's not. :(
 I ate cake balls. I got iced coffee. I was a happy girl!

I may have been a delivery chicken myself and dropped a special something off for someone...but if you didn't find a surprise, then I guess you'll never know.

 I made deer fajitas. So very good. I might have eaten most of it myself. You'll never know.
 Someone in my office doesn't know how to use a heavy duty stapler. They also don't know how to let me know that they are that dumb. Thanks co-worker, for failing and bailing.

People. They're the worst.
 This took a few hours for me to work up to. That thing was S.C.A.R.Y.  I finally got my big girl pants on and got my pictures. :)

The little birdies outside have been picking my tomatoes, and leaving them in the dirt. Hey birds, please only pick the ripe ones. Birds. They're the worst.

My week was pretty normal. Friends, favorites, freaky robots. I finally tried my applesauce that turned out to be baby food. I think I'll keep buying it. It was wonderful. 

I'm off to take a nap, eat some dark chocolate with sea salt, and dance the night away. 

See you back here Monday. I look forward to hearing about your weekend!!


  1. There was a coupon for you baby food snack in the Sunday paper. If you don't find it, I think I clipped it and can send it to you.

    1. Perfect! I love discounted baby food!


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