TWPICK Thursday, new DL, and it's not spinach but it's not a snickers

Our weather forecast right now says the 'first wave of severe storms...'. First wave. We are now an ocean from sky to sand, and the storms are coming in legitimate waves. Over and over and over. So water logged!
I did get to weed co-garden a bit last night, but gave up after I had fed every mosquito in the county. The air is thick, the mosquitos are thicker, and my patience was thin. Co-garden is producing well though. We have a few dozen chocolate/cherry and cherry tomatoes on the vine, cucumbers are beginning to take shape, and the growkra pods are getting bigger! If you've been here for this year's planting stories, you are breathing a sigh of relief with me.
Back to the old me

Years back I had the BEST DL picture ever. I think it was in 2007. I was tan, thin, my hair looked amazing. I compared my license picture in 2011 to that one for the past 4 years. Now it's due again, and I get a name change. There is a lot of pressure on this picture.
Do you practice and prepare for your DL renewal? I've seen some wild ones over the years. I don't think everyone thinks about it as much as I do.
Bootleg snacks
You know I got the snacks.
~boiled eggs
~figgies and jammies
~iced coffee
~applesauce that I figured out is baby food...

Yesterday I wanted Fritos, but chose peanuts instead. My justification was that they aren't spinach, but they aren't a Snickers. That makes them ok, right?
It's almost Friday, and that's almost good enough for me.
What plans do you already have for the weekend?
I'm the least photogenic person I know and my DL always reflects this.