Dancing and napping, but not at the same time.

Get your boots on, it's time for the weekend! We have a rodeo, and some dancing, but first, hopefully we have a nap. With more storms on the way, I don't expect to do many weekend-y things. I will have fun, I promise. Here's a quick recap of all my leftovers this week, I hope you enjoy! (no, I didn't run this week. But I yoga-ed) ...yes, that is totally me. ...no it's not. :( I ate cake balls. I got iced coffee. I was a happy girl! I may have been a delivery chicken myself and dropped a special something off for someone...but if you didn't find a surprise, then I guess you'll never know. I made deer fajitas. So very good. I might have eaten most of it myself. You'll never know. Someone in my office doesn't know how to use a heavy duty stapler. They also don't know how to let me know that they are that dumb. Thanks co-worker, for failing and bailing. People. They're the worst. This took a few hours...