The Curly Girl

Born and raised in Oklahoma, I'm a true Okie from Muskogee. I grew up in the dirt, and my soul longs to return to the backroads. From T-town to small town I've lived all over our great state, but now rest my boots in the SE corner.

This blog covers my daily life as an adult who doesn't want to adult. Work, home, running, hair, God, friends, and love.

My hair is curly, and I talk about it often. I love it, I hate it, I scrunch it, I straighten it.

I am an amateur gardener with a pale green index finger. I've worked the Co-garden for 3 seasons with my guy. We have some new things planned for 2018, as we combine our lives, and I lose part of my yard to this 'man stuff'. Check back on the reg to see what I'm growing, and what surprises pop up.

God loves me, and you, and I'll remind you of that. You'll see a lot of posts about my faith on here, mostly in relation to some thought I'm focusing too much on that is as deep as a kiddie pool.

I started running in 2011 as a random hobby and have grown to love it. I've made new friends, set new goals, and created new pains while on this journey. I'm registered for the OKC 1/2 again, and will let you know how it's going. I'm trying the Galloway method this year, against my ego

. We'll see... This will be comical. Come along with me, no stretching required.

Come back each week for your favorite post subject, or, read along everyday! You never know what might end up on the pages of That Curl Can Run!


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