Long talks, short nights, and lots of coffee

Good gracious, it's finally Friday. Why has this week been so stupid? I've had a lot of enjoyable moments, but overall, I could have done without this week. Can you hear my eyes rolling? ______________________________________________________________________ Nom nom: I haven't gotten my delivery from Blue Apron yet, so we're still on our own for dinner ideas. (I still can't figure out where my cooking skills/initiative went over the past year) Last night was my turn, and I had a great idea. Chicken breast, red potatoes, cherry tomatoes, and asparagus. Seasoned with fresh rosemary (from his house), basil (from my mom), and garlic. It was very yummy. I don't like to use chicken breast at home often as it turns out dry, but this was moist, and the rosemary/basil/garlic soaked in nicely. Unfortunately our schedule for the evening didn't coincide with my plan for dinner, so we just ate this part. I had fresh Parmesan, garlic bread, and salad lined ...