What's the fortune Wednesday, whipped cream and couch forts make me smile.

It has been one of those days.

I don't have any amazing advice for you, nothing deep for you to contemplate.

It's just a Wednesday.

I did get on the subject of fortune. What it is, what it can be, and how to view it.

I am fortunate (or feel like I've hit the jackpot) because of:

Being trusted
My home and many possessions (silly, American, but true)

I have so much more that makes me feel fortunate, and so much of that really is just 'stuff'. God has shown me amazing things so far in life, and I know He has so much in store. Whether I have 'stuff' all my life, or just my life, I AM FORTUNATE.

When I can't pull myself out of my funk, I can always have my official 'Having A Crappy Day' lunch:

We need more whipped cream here!

I also can make a couch fort. I did that last night.

Swanson (Ron, not the chicken broth)

That gets me through a lot of things. :)


What makes you smile through it all?

Whipped cream: can or tub? 


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