Tuesday is not Monday, that's why we're doing all the things!

Soooo many pictures!!!!!! 

I did make it to the gym this morning, thank you very much. I worked up a sweat like nobody's business. Really. Nobody wanted any part of that business, it was gross. We are in week 4 of the 12 week program. It's not going the way it was intended, as we both slacked last week due to school work (her) and vacation (moi). Regardless, we aren't giving up. She has gained 2 lbs since school started and I'm just not at the fitness level I'd like to be. We will keep going, and I'll keep you posted on our progress.

Today: 7 mins, 2 rounds each. Repeat.

10 burpees
20 jump lunges
24 step up w/ knee up
15 sumo squats

100 reps jump rope
24 walking lunges
30 reverse lunge w/knee up
15 jump squats

We finished almost 2 rounds of each, only being a bit short on the 4th exercise of the second round. Dead. D.E.D Dead.

Yay fitness. I'm eating free Oreo's that I discovered in the lunch room right now...

I did so many things!

So, you're dying to know what I did on my trip? Of course you are!

I flew to Tampa on Tuesday. My friends on Parks and Rec kept me company while I waited for my turn to board, because you know I got there way too early. 

I had some crappy Starbucks, and then took a nap on the plane.

 Packing for a beach vacation is easy. Shorts, shirts, swimsuit.

Ahhhh, toes in the sand.

After landing in Tampa, I picked up my rental car and zipped over to Clearwater to meet some friends. We spent all afternoon in the water. We watched "dolphins" nearby (thanks shark week for scaring me), and got a little tan.

Late afternoon rolled around and we parted ways. I headed north to Spring Hill for sister/nephew/niece time. Yay! I spent the next 3 days running, drinking coffee, and hanging out.

This was the SunCoast trail. No attacks, just a lot of sweat. This trail goes all the way to Tampa. I went all the way to the 1.5 mile marker and turned around.

I found a fantastic coffee shop called Buddy Brew in Tampa. 2 locations, one was super hipster, the other was very chic. Sister, neice and I had a great time exploring both. It was new to them also, as they had never heard of it. It's fun to find new things in your own backyard.

 The chic branch was at the Oxford Exchange in Tampa and it was as fancy as it sounds. I felt like I was standing in a Restoration Hardware catalog.

This was in the women's bathroom....

Thursday evening we went to Hamburger Mary's in historic Ybor City. So fun. Cuban sandwich (salami, ham, pickle, swiss) and a drag queen show. :) I didn't know I could laugh that hard.

They made us feel like frumpy, dumpy 'women' compared to them. Beautiful? Yes, you could say they were. It's ok, it doesn't make you weird.

Friday morning I headed back to the airport, but not without a pit stop at the hipster Buddy Brew for a going away snack.

A 2 hour flight (with reading and sleeping).

I normally don't fly American Airlines, but had no choice this time. I will say, they did get something right that the other airlines don't. They gave each passenger the entire can of soda instead of just the small cup.

American Airlines, way to go!

(I won't talk about how they 'overbooked' both flights, had to courtesy check numerous bags, and were pretty rude in general)

Home sweet home. It felt so good to get back in my own vehicle, and another 2 hours later, pull into my driveway.

Co-garden went crazy in my absence. I'm loading everyone up with tomatoes these days.

Those that grow together, ....grow together.


I've got a man crush. He got me a new mug. So now I have a man/mug crush.

Mmmm...coffee. Ways to win my heart:

1: Make me coffee
2: Buy me coffee
3: Be coffee

Or just be awesome, that works too.


What did you do while I was gone?

Did you do all the things? 


  1. I had a cuban in FL on Thursday evening, too!


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