TWPICK Thursday, Caught in the Act, and gee your hair smells terrific!

Back to tradition. It's TWPICK Thursday, and you know what the means....tomorrow is Friday!!!!

I didn't make to to R4G last night, nor did I go workout this morning. I'm going tomorrow morning though, so stop judging me. My track partner is on vaca so I scheduled workout #2 for Friday this week. Premeditated = totally ok.


We are in Acts 21 right now. Can you believe it? So much reading done!

I've covered Acts 21-23 this week, and am not near the end of Paul's imprisonment/trial. Geez, those people really wanted to hate him. They didn't have a reason, but they weren't giving up. Paul remained transparent, not denying his past nor his present. He openly admitted to killing Christians, but wholeheartedly admitted to serving Christ. Through threats of beatings, whippings, and years of imprisonment he remained steadfast in his belief, and knew that the God of man would deliver him; even if that meant death.

We cling to this life so tightly. Our family, our job, our possessions, our schedules. I can't imagine doing something that would risk my plans for the weekend. It is hard to imagine giving up love in this life for love in a far away future. The truth is, it may not be so far away...  If I was to walk into the office one day only to be told I was about to be imprisoned for my beliefs, would I stand and accept it with a calm soul, or would I run and hide? If I clearly heard God tell me to leave everything, and everyone, behind to follow a path He is laying before me, could I? Could I put off the dream of a family? My plans for travel? My hope for new traditions on the horizon?

How do we throw off the chains of this life to embrace the life given by the creator of life itself?

There is no way to know what God will ask of any of us, other than obedience. I can't sit around wondering what He will ask me to give up, or pass up. My real fear is that if I dwell on it too much, those things will become too important to me, and He WILL ask me to give them up.

How can we keep God and His will at the top of our list, but still plan and have hope for our future here?

What are your thoughts and strategies?

Little things make my day better. You all know that. Today, it's my hair. More specifically, the way it smells. Just a reminder around me all day of a place I love to be.


We're close to the weekend. PLANS????

Is there anything today that takes you to your happy place?


  1. Phillipians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

    Consult God with your plans and your plans should line up with His.


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