I'm baaaaaaack!!!

Oh blog friends, how are you??

I'm a little more tan, a little more tired, and a little more tense. Back to reality, but back to the good part of reality.

I went to Florida last week, in case you didn't know. I stayed with my sister, nephew, and niece. I ran some, I slept some, I swam some, and I ate some.

I'll share all the deets with you tomorrow, ugh, I just used 'deets', I hate that. I have some pictures to share also.

For today lets just take a moment of silence for our loss of freedom because we had to come back to work......


The 2 best, best, best parts of the whole trip were seeing Prell in Florida, and the dude came home. Getting away from it all is much better when some of it is still around. I had a fantastic time with my 'home' gal on vacation, and a fantastic time coming home to see my fave.

Thanks for checking back today. I hope you weren't too disappointed that I wasn't around a lot last week. Even part-time bloggers need a break, right?

I found this crease on a page in my current read. I love this. Someone was enjoying this very book at some time, and just for a moment, we are connected in the same story.


  1. Vaca with friends! Glad we got to have lunch on the beach since we can't manage to have lunch in our home state.

    1. Right?! Halfway across the country just to have lunch. I had a great time. I hope the remainder of your vacation was wonderful too.


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