TOWPICK Thursday, running..., and other things.

It's not my Friday, but it's pretty close; it's TOWPICK Thursday!!!
Are you sick of this outfit yet? Too bad! It's my blog and I'll wear what I want.
Tonight we're off to Falls Creek for some worship jammin', and fun-havery. God gave us a beautiful place to gather and praise Him, and while we're there, we like to laugh and be silly. Following Christ isn't all about 'rules' and having to say no to everything. There's lots of silliness, and pranks, and weird whatevers that go on at church camps, because we're all friends and love each other...right?
I don't really think I'll be running around with glow sticks in my hair singing camp songs, but it probably will be happening somewhere on the campus.
No matter what my role is, I've got a high spirit about it, and that famous big dumb smile on my face.
Last night was my first meeting with the R4G girls. First we watched the President's speech via the White House website, then got down to business. with endurance the race that is set out before us...Hebrews 12:1b
This was a great lesson for me to start on. Remembering to stay strong, and steady, and not give up. In the face of adversity we must remain faithful to our God. A great way to keep our sights on Him and be able to guide others is to have His word written on our hearts. We've talked about taking time to read and learn from the bible. If we don't, how can we find comfort in scripture? How can we share hope with others? If someone opposes our view, how can we stand up for what is right and true, if we don't know how to explain it?
This lesson was a reminder for me that I must keep reading, learning, and asking for help. As a country we need to keep believing, and trusting in God. As Christians we must forgive others, and forgive ourselves.
Don't let today's sin ruin tomorrow's salvation.
The running part: Last night's workout was an easy slow 2 miles. This was good since I have a bum toe and it was 100+ degrees. I didn't time it, but it was less than 20 mins. I didn't meet workout friend at the gym today as she has a big test for school already! Study, study, study.
Here comes a feeling
Girls, do you find that as you've gotten
I do. You've heard my advice of 'Cry it out, Sleep it off, Get over it' before. It works. But what if you're crying it out, planning to sleep it off, and then the game changes? Suddenly everything is right, and you're no longer upset/mad/hurt/depressed. You're happy even. Something either in you, or outside of you, turns the situation on it's head, and all that ugly crying is over.
Love it!
Big question for the day: What's for lunch?
Have you cried yet today?
What's the last scripture you read?
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