It's Monday. Let's get in gear before winter!

Fall is so close! It was mildly cool this weekend, and I made sure to get outside and enjoy.

We had breakfast for dinner Friday night. Pancakes and sausage. Sooo good.

We have an Amish festival/auction nearby every September, so we went to that Saturday.  We came home with a giant glass dairy jar, 3 pumpkins, and a teaspoon.

I made it out for a steak dinner with a long lost friend, and swung by the County Fair after dark.

Sunday was church as usual, then BBQ with the dude and a new friend. I mowed the lawn since it was mid-80s, cleaned up, and spent some time with my fave.

A little scootin' around town, some browsing at Lowe's, and leftover steak tacos for dinner.

Today isn't my favorite day, but it could be much worse. I've spent most of my mental energy sending out good vibes to someone I know that needs it. I believe God gives some of us easy days so that we can help support those that are facing some tough ones. __________________________________________________________________________
Grow little melon!

Co-garden is still producing. We have a second chance at a cantaloupe. The trap is set for any uninvited guests, and we are praying over our little melon.

Hashtag this: I can't have stuff....

Oh! You know, I finally bought a purse after a decade of holding out. Saturday I sprayed sunscreen inside of it. Awesome.

It has been under a layer of cornstarch for a few days, and is getting better. I'll update the pictures and we see progress happen. This is why I can't have nice things.
Running curl:

I hope to run every evening this week, save for Thursday when I have ladies group. Send out some good vibes that I'll accomplish this, one day at a time.


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