Baked apples and doing all the things!

Ok, that was yesterday, and today is today. Tuesday actually. I'm here, I'm tired, I'm hungry.
Run report
Monday night: 2.5 miles 23:54. Sweaty and miserable
Tuesday morning: 2 miles 23:06. Sweaty and miserable.
I'm running regularly. Not fast, but on the reg. See, I can stick to my plan...if everyone is watching and holding me accountable. And judging. Judging helps me to do what I say I will. Keep it up!
Doing these things!
You know what? I did a lot over the weekend, but there isn't much photographic evidence of it. You know I like to keep you in the dark. Or maybe I forget to take pictures of things. Something like that.
Friday night I had a partner in the kitchen for a few hours. This makes my heart so happy. I love to cook, but I don't love to do it alone. To have the kitchen alive with laughter, and good smells...oh what a happy girl I am.

I KNOW it was amazing. I was so in love with it because he made it, so that helped; but really, it has to be amazing for me to eat baked apples AND vanilla ice cream.
Upside down apple torte made in an iron skillet. By a man. In my kitchen. On a Friday. ....what could be better than that?
Saturday we did a little work function BBQ, then walked around the Autumn Fest. After sweating for a few hours we cooled off in Old Navy, hence the amazing aforementioned plaid pants.
A solid 3 hour nap ....mmmm... and then we watched The Last Samurai.
That's how I ended up being awake until 3am. Once the movie was over and he headed out, what was I to do? Cereal, Friends, and hair braiding. Duh.
Sunday we made a quick trip to the outlet mall so I could find yet another gown. Oh yes, I found one. :) I love gowns. I'll share a photo after I wear it. My daily hair wouldn't do it justice.
I have some co-garden pics to share later this week, and hopefully more running!
What did you do all weekend?
I love those pants and yay! baked apples. That's the only way to eat an apple.