Baked apples and doing all the things!

I had a real life Amy Poehler moment. Someone asked me where I got my pants, and I got to say "Old Navy!". And they were all "no way!" and I was all "uh, yeah. I know!" Totally legit convo right there.

Ok, that was yesterday, and today is today. Tuesday actually. I'm here, I'm tired, I'm hungry.

Run report

Monday night: 2.5 miles 23:54. Sweaty and miserable
Tuesday morning: 2 miles 23:06. Sweaty and miserable.

I'm running regularly. Not fast, but on the reg. See, I can stick to my plan...if everyone is watching and holding me accountable. And judging. Judging helps me to do what I say I will. Keep it up!
Doing these things!

You know what? I did a lot over the weekend, but there isn't much photographic evidence of it. You know I like to keep you in the dark. Or maybe I forget to take pictures of things. Something like that.

Friday night I had a partner in the kitchen for a few hours. This makes my heart so happy. I love to cook, but I don't love to do it alone. To have the kitchen alive with laughter, and good smells...oh what a happy girl I am.

I made dinner, while he made dessert. Epic. Dessert. How many of you know that I've never been fond of cooked apples? And how many of you know about me and vanilla ice cream? Well, I had both. Twice. And then some more the next day.

I KNOW it was amazing.  I was so in love with it because he made it, so that helped; but really, it has to be amazing for me to eat baked apples AND vanilla ice cream.

Upside down apple torte made in an iron skillet. By a man. In my kitchen. On a Friday. ....what could be better than that?

Saturday we did a little work function BBQ, then walked around the Autumn Fest. After sweating for a few hours we cooled off in Old Navy, hence the amazing aforementioned plaid pants.

A solid 3 hour nap ....mmmm... and then we watched The Last Samurai.

That's how I ended up being awake until 3am. Once the movie was over and he headed out, what was I to do? Cereal, Friends, and hair braiding. Duh.

Sunday we made a quick trip to the outlet mall so I could find yet another gown. Oh yes, I found one. :) I love gowns. I'll share a photo after I wear it. My daily hair wouldn't do it justice.


I have some co-garden pics to share later this week, and hopefully more running!

What did you do all weekend?


  1. I love those pants and yay! baked apples. That's the only way to eat an apple.


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