Hello out there??? Are you with me? Guess who's back?!!

Sorry folks! This week has slipped away from me.

Due to RAIN there was no running Wednesday morning, and due to CLOUDS I overslept and did no yoga. We did go to the track today and I got a bit of pre 10k training in.

I didn't do R4G Wednesday evening because I was stuck at the office.

No gym on Thursday due to my overly sensitive right arm.

I'm a useless blob. I know.

Some things!

I made a 1/2 chalkboard, 1/2 display thing out of an old window I got from Prell's junk pile a few weeks ago. I'll post a separate post with progress pics soon.

This Coke was not shared with me, but the job of throwing it away was. Hey, at least my name is spelled correctly.

This is why I've been so busy every evening. Living this series all over again is so wonderful. I hope you laugh as much as I do!

In the past week I've been to a car show, toured a new high school, got a leather chair, painted about 92% of the bathroom (again), worked on plans for the bathroom floor paint/stencil project, made lots of dinners, kicked off our new ladies bible study that mirrors the men's on Sunday night, caught up with my neighbor, cried a little, laughed a lot, and have had way too much iced chai.

This weekend promises pancakes, naps, Heather-time, and nice weather. We've cooled off a little so I really need to get the lawn mowed.

 In case you can't tell from this picture, DELIVERY CHICKEN IS BACK!!!!! I was so happy, I may have actually screamed that in my kitchen. Luckily, no one called the police because either my neighbors don't pay attention or they know I'm weird. Or both.

Thank you delivery chicken, you made my breakfast-for-dinner dreams come true.

I'm Leah, and I buy weird soups at deep discounts.

This one was really good. Not overdone on spices, and had a nice consistency. I'll buy it again, if I can find it. Big Lots gets me like that. They get me hooked on something (maybe because it's awesome, maybe because it's cheap) and then they never have it again.

Whatever these are, come back every year on the fence along the North side of my back yard. They cover the fence line outside my laundry room, and it helps me to not hate ironing in the morning.

Keep my little bible study in prayer as I 'try' to lead a group of women that I feel have more experience with God than I do. Somehow (as if we don't know how these things happen) I ended up in the driver's seat. Good thing public speaking doesn't scare me.


  1. Yay public speaking! Boo ironing! Who irons anymore? I thought that went away like cassette tapes and beehives.

    1. I iron. Not everything gets wrinkle free in the dryer...unless you only wear leggings... .... ....


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