Happy new calendar day, and doing all the (favorite) things!!!!!
Happy new calendar day! September, we made it! I never thought I'd be glad to see summer come to a close, yet here I am rejoicing in the start of a FALL month. Yeesh.
This morning started out in a pretty exciting way. Ears ringing, lights flashing, heart pounding... No, it wasn't a pre-dawn date, I made it to the gym! Let me just put this out there on the line, I am OUT OF SHAPE. Readers, this blogger has gotten lazy fit instead of crazy fit. Things have got to get real. I'm not saying they are going to, just that they should. :)
We did our usual mix up of jump lunges, sumo squats, jump rope, box jumps, and of course, burpees. Gag. No really, she almost gagged in the gym. I couldn't help her because I was nearly passed out on the floor under a medicine ball.
I call it reverse weighted plank.
Dinner last night was a bit of a surprise, even for me. I knew I wanted to make pesto from all of the basil from co-garden, but I didn't know for sure if I'd get around to doing anything with it. After I made the pesto, I boiled a bag of wild garlic egg noodles, and got out all the salad stuff (most from co-garden too). It was very, very good. I'm told I make a 'mean pasta'. I'll take that!
Yoga Report: I stretched a little. It's a start...
What a weekend. Short, but great. I got to do so many of my favorite things, and/or see so many of my favorite people.
I'm glad you asked what and who!
I got to see my fave, and when a visit ends in tears AND laughing, that's how you know it's good. 4 stubbed toes, one pinched leg, a pile of dirty laundry, a bunch of tears, and some long belly laughs later, I headed north.

I went to see Prell first, and we kicked it off proper with the dirty iced chai of my dreams:
We went to E911s downtown location Drip. Oh thank you for always being there when I come to town...
After a super long visit with Al, the owner, and some random, caffeine charged chat, we started browsing the shops.
I bought some HiCaff tea for the dude, some wax cubes, tried lots of lotion samples, oohed and ahhed over some clothes and jewelry, got a couple gifts for upcoming birthdays or Christmas, and then we went junkin'.
I ended up scoring two old windows from Prell's personal junk pile, so I'll have an update on their use in the future.
After we were exhausted from shopping, we got the only kind of lunch that is acceptable on a day like that, GREEK FOOD!! Feta, garlic, EVOO, lamb, tomatoes, olives, hummus, whatever is your favorite. I could have eaten for days, but I always get full pretty quick.
I had the classic gyro, and Prell got what they call the veggie plate. Grape leaves, tabouli, hummus with pita chips, and ...I know what those other things are but I can't remember. All good though, too much food, and so much flavor.
Finally we took a trip to Reasor's grocery store (wild girls) so I could have grocery store envy. Olive bar, salad bar, fish case....so jealous. They didn't have my Tazo chai concentrate though, which I thought was strange. I didn't buy anything there because I didn't want to tote it around for the next 24 hours, but I wanted so many of the things.
After we'd done all we could, and since it was 7pm, I headed to stay with the parental units. I spent the remainder of the evening hanging with my broseph, SIL, and nephews/niece. Bedtime rolled around to the tune of 12:30am (hey, it was Saturday), and I was happy to see the pillow.
Sunday coffee, Life cereal, and then church with ma, bro, SIL, and the kiddos. God speaks to us from all different churches, even the little country ones. Don't be afraid to step out of your normal congregation, you can find a great sermon from any of His bible preaching pulpits. Sunday's word was a great reminder of how little control we have, but how much freedom we abuse.
Mom and I made lunch, chicken tenders, rice and steamed veggies, for her, dad, and I. We made our way down the hill to do a little target practice, and then, it was time to roll the highway up.

I got home Sunday evening to find that something had enjoyed the ONE cantaloupe we had on the vine. I will find out who it was, and they will be made an example of.
After my angry rant in the back yard I relaxed until the dude got out of bible study. *(I have a new bible study starting this week, so stay tuned). Just a little catching up, and then everyone returned to their designated areas so we could get this week started.
I'm sure I've missed so many of the moments I enjoyed since Friday, but, there will be plenty more this week to share.
Thanks for checking back. I have co-garden updates, Galatians stuff, and I'm sure something pretty that I'll be blogging about as we go toward the weekend. Come back later!!
This morning started out in a pretty exciting way. Ears ringing, lights flashing, heart pounding... No, it wasn't a pre-dawn date, I made it to the gym! Let me just put this out there on the line, I am OUT OF SHAPE. Readers, this blogger has gotten lazy fit instead of crazy fit. Things have got to get real. I'm not saying they are going to, just that they should. :)
We did our usual mix up of jump lunges, sumo squats, jump rope, box jumps, and of course, burpees. Gag. No really, she almost gagged in the gym. I couldn't help her because I was nearly passed out on the floor under a medicine ball.
I call it reverse weighted plank.
Dinner last night was a bit of a surprise, even for me. I knew I wanted to make pesto from all of the basil from co-garden, but I didn't know for sure if I'd get around to doing anything with it. After I made the pesto, I boiled a bag of wild garlic egg noodles, and got out all the salad stuff (most from co-garden too). It was very, very good. I'm told I make a 'mean pasta'. I'll take that!
What a weekend. Short, but great. I got to do so many of my favorite things, and/or see so many of my favorite people.
I'm glad you asked what and who!
I got to see my fave, and when a visit ends in tears AND laughing, that's how you know it's good. 4 stubbed toes, one pinched leg, a pile of dirty laundry, a bunch of tears, and some long belly laughs later, I headed north.

I went to see Prell first, and we kicked it off proper with the dirty iced chai of my dreams:
We went to E911s downtown location Drip. Oh thank you for always being there when I come to town...
After a super long visit with Al, the owner, and some random, caffeine charged chat, we started browsing the shops.
I bought some HiCaff tea for the dude, some wax cubes, tried lots of lotion samples, oohed and ahhed over some clothes and jewelry, got a couple gifts for upcoming birthdays or Christmas, and then we went junkin'.
I ended up scoring two old windows from Prell's personal junk pile, so I'll have an update on their use in the future.

I had the classic gyro, and Prell got what they call the veggie plate. Grape leaves, tabouli, hummus with pita chips, and ...I know what those other things are but I can't remember. All good though, too much food, and so much flavor.
Finally we took a trip to Reasor's grocery store (wild girls) so I could have grocery store envy. Olive bar, salad bar, fish case....so jealous. They didn't have my Tazo chai concentrate though, which I thought was strange. I didn't buy anything there because I didn't want to tote it around for the next 24 hours, but I wanted so many of the things.
After we'd done all we could, and since it was 7pm, I headed to stay with the parental units. I spent the remainder of the evening hanging with my broseph, SIL, and nephews/niece. Bedtime rolled around to the tune of 12:30am (hey, it was Saturday), and I was happy to see the pillow.
Sunday coffee, Life cereal, and then church with ma, bro, SIL, and the kiddos. God speaks to us from all different churches, even the little country ones. Don't be afraid to step out of your normal congregation, you can find a great sermon from any of His bible preaching pulpits. Sunday's word was a great reminder of how little control we have, but how much freedom we abuse.

I got home Sunday evening to find that something had enjoyed the ONE cantaloupe we had on the vine. I will find out who it was, and they will be made an example of.
After my angry rant in the back yard I relaxed until the dude got out of bible study. *(I have a new bible study starting this week, so stay tuned). Just a little catching up, and then everyone returned to their designated areas so we could get this week started.
I'm sure I've missed so many of the moments I enjoyed since Friday, but, there will be plenty more this week to share.
Thanks for checking back. I have co-garden updates, Galatians stuff, and I'm sure something pretty that I'll be blogging about as we go toward the weekend. Come back later!!
What did you do this weekend?
Where is your favorite place to be?
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