What's that for Wednesday, and dinner, and running, and whatever.

I ran last night. I hate running. It's too hot, and my feet are too heavy. I super didn't like it at all and wanted to never do it again.

I'm running tonight with the ladies from R4G.

I know, I'm either a total liar or a runner. We be that way.


After running I started to take a nap when my favorite guest showed up to check out the eats. I made an aged pork loin in the crock pot, and spinach salad, of course.

I had that for lunch today as well.

The crock pot really is a great invention. I have made so many things in there, and always forget how easy it is over the summer. Now that it's nearing fall, it will likely stay on my counter all season.

Dips, soups, breakfast casserole, baked potatoes, roast....

What's your favorite things to make in the crock pot?


Oh, yesterday was taco Tuesday! I didn't get street tacos, but I got something just as good:
CASA!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 Taco Lites to go, so I can eat them with as much sour cream as I want, at home.
What????? in Galatians

Oh the Word of God. So simple, yet so confusing. 

I'm staying in Galatians for a bit, to meditate on what Paul wrote, and try to see more of the pieces God is putting together. 

In chapter 1, we read:
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.

Here is my question to you (and Him, don't worry, I already asked God about this in prayer):

Paul says 'an angel from heaven'.  Does that elude to an angel someday coming down, from heaven, and preaching falsely? Is this a reference to the story of Lucifer? I know, and admit, that I know about 1% of the bible, so, am I missing something? I understand the overall point of Paul's warning, but what stuck out to me was that he specifically mentioned that false teaching could come from an angel from heaven.  So....

Tell me your thoughts.


 Here is my daily dose of 'I can't adult alone'. My after dinner snack, a huge iced chai...under all that whipped cream somewhere.

 Today's snack that held me over until my 2:45 lunch.

Mind. Blown.


What are you reading right now?

Do you like chai?


  1. I think that if Lucifer could betray God like he did, then any angel could do the same. It's possible that Nick Cage and his angel buddies could fall in love with human women and start telling us lies.

    1. Hahahaha! I love this. City of Angels as a warning to us all.


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