Friday, you're fired! I'm lazy. What to do this weekend?

Friday is a hair puller so far. I just looked up and it's already after 12! That is good, but where did my morning go?

I didn't make it to the track again. Neighbor had a headache and I wasn't arguing with my pillow about getting up and going alone.
Heck. No. 
I slept. After not getting enough sleep Wednesday night, I wasn't passing on an extra 2 hours today.

Stuff to do?

Most of my family is on vacation in Indiana so my dad is home alone. Earlier in the week I thought I'd be driving to that part of the state, but that changed. Poor dad. I don't have any plans, but I really need to open the windows and dust the house. Maybe he'll come visit and can help me clean. Hahahaha.

Oh, so speaking of the house, I need to pick out a new sink for the bathroom. That should go on my 'to do' list.

Co-garden got a hair cut last night. It looks SOOOO much better.

I'm not sure where the members of my menagerie went, because I didn't see them after the dust settled.

Since we have a grip on the weeds now, I hope to get in the garden tonight and actually turn the dirt so the grass won't grow back as fast. It was beginning to choke the production of the rest of our plants.

I feel like Blue Apron tonight!

Tonight will be the first of three new Blue Apron meals. I haven't decided which to make, and he doesn't have a preference. So much pressure! ...I promise not to go all 'anxiety mode' on dinner tonight. But to ensure that it goes smoothly, HELP ME PICK!

1: Spiced meatballs w/garlic toast & summer squash salad
2:Stir-fried ginger/basil chicken w/peppers and coconut rice
3:Seared salmon & panznella w/ corn, shishito peppers, & thai basil

Everything needed is included, so I have all the ingredients. I just don't know which I'd rather have tonight. I'm leaning toward the meatballs. 


Have you run/worked out this week?
What's for dinner at your house tonight?
Any fancy plans for the weekend?


  1. I was leaning toward the chicken with ginger because I have heartburn and ginger would help. But then, you aren't cooking for me...


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