Good Monday

So many good things over the weekend that I will fully recap tomorrow. For now, let's look at good things on a Monday.

Sleeping all night.
Stretching in the morning.
Iced chai.
High heels. 
Pesto plans.

I had a good weekend that was far too short, packed with adventures that were over far too quickly. There is no way to fit all of the people I adore into the same 2 days, so I missed out of some of my faves. God willing, there is always next weekend to soak up some love!

Get ready for some awesome plans coming up soon. Fall is upon us and I have some great things in line. The only bad part: too many good things, not enough time! I'm double-booked in my head a few times, so I have to choose between things and I really don't like doing that. I don't want to miss ANYTHING!

How do you choose?

Stay tuned for hunting, camping, weddings, birthdays, running, cooking, hammocking, cooking, traveling, and stuff!


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