Staying sane and keeping busy

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
     he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.

I have had a pretty busy spring so far. House shopping is not fun and exciting like people said. A lot of my lack of fun probably comes from my budget, and my reason for buying (may discuss later). I have set the bar really low. I know most people start out low, and increase as they browse, but not me. God gave me a budget, and I'm sticking with it. He will deliver a house to me as He sees fit. In the mean time, looking is getting boring. I say I should stay where I am because all of my stuff is already there.

Speaking of stuff! I said goodbye to UgleeCouch. Thank you UgleeCouch for all your good times. Naps. Sneezes. Dog slobbers. Headaches. Wine spills. Ah.... May your next family love you as much as I have.

Yesterday, as I prepared to visit a friend, someone stole my PB sandwich off the entryway table. I wonder who it could have been?

I did get out in the yard once. Fruits of my labor right here. New mulch, no weeds. And, I killed a snake with a pair of pliers. Beat. That.

When you bought a house, did you go over your budget?


  1. First house was WAY under budget, but a serious fixer-upper. Second time was on budget, but we still had to do a lot of stuff to it. Next time I want to be able to move in and not think about much so we will probably be over budget.


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