Recovering to prepare

Howdy! Despite all the bad things in the news, I'm going to find something to be happy about today. I hope you can too.

This Saturday I kick off my (late) running season with a nice 5k. I have been doing 2-a-days at the gym, 'mill in the morning and Tough Mudder in the evening. Yesterday I skipped they gym entirely because I was so sore, and today isn't looking any better. I didn't go before work, so I need to go tonight, and at least do some walking. I am hoping to not wear myself out before my first race. What was your first race of the season like?

I'm trying to not compete with other runner's times and distance. It's very hard when you get injured and have to go backwards a bit. I find myself feeling inadequate not only to them, but to my former self. Stupid self.

Good luck out there. Keep running. Push through the wall.

This is a great weekend that hosts some great races. Give it all you got, and leave it all on the course.

Where are you running this weekend??


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