
Good morning to you!

I hope you all got some yummy sleep last night.

I wanted to share with you my recent breakfasts. Since I'm on a low/no acid diet per my doctor, I have had to switch to Almond Milk (blech) from Silk. I am not a fan. So, in order to get it down without making the nasty face, I had to concoct something that makes it tolerable.

Mmmmmm, shake:
Chocolate Almond milk
Baby spinach
All natch PB
(I am aware that if you are on a low acid diet you should stay away from chocolate. But really? Vanilla? I don't think so)

The final product looks like pond scum, but tastes like fitness heaven!

I'm sure I get really weird looks sucking this through a hot pink crazy straw, but I don't care. It fills me up all morning, and prepares me before the gym. It's quick and healthy and keeps me from eating girl scout cookies, although I'm keeping my radar out for that diet. Thin Mints must be healthy....

I have also be eating some gluten free foods lately. One thing in particular are the GF waffles from Trader Joe's. Really good! Made from potato starch. A little butter, a little syrup and yum!

Aside from eating, I'm moving along nicely with Tough Mudder training. We tried a new circuit last night, from the actual Tough Mudder website. It was intense. I was soaked before the warm-up was done!

Afterwards I went home for some R&R.

Keep up the good work everyone. Make your outside match your inside!

Don't worry about tomorrow, God is already there.


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