Gah! Here's my plan.

Ok, ok. I know one of the cardinal rules of blogging is to stay on top of things. I need to post often so that I can be relateable and have things for all my fans to read. Well, I stink at that.

If you've followed me for a while you know that I don't have the internet at home. I don't even know where our laptop is these days. I have to do everything from work or my phone. Mobile blogging is super frustrating btw.

Here I am, Monday morning, and I'm trying to catch up for you.

I did win the battle with my alarm clock this a.m. I made it to the gym before work, and struggled through 2.2 miles on the 'mill. Miserable. Horrible. Oh well right? I have a 5k this weekend so I have to get my butt in gear.

Aside from running I'm doing an obstacle course training guide that I found on Pinterest, duh. Where else would I get any of my good ideas?

Tough Mudder Training Routine

1. Run 3/4 mile (during the first set only)
2. Run at 4% incline for 3 minute intervals
*Alternate between 30s at full speed and 30s at half-speed for 3 minutes.
3. Push-Ups
4. Rebound Lunges
Complete a forward lunge with your right leg, and then step back into a reverse lunge. Continue for 45 seconds. Switch legs.
5. Burpees
6. Run 1/4 mile uphill at 4% at 75-80% full speed
7. Speed Squats (as many as you can do in 45 seconds)
8. Dips with feet on box or stability ball
9. Squat Jumps
10. Push-Ups with One Leg off the Floor (switch legs during second set)
11. Run speed intervals for 3 minutes (no incline)
*Alternate between 30s at full speed and 30s at half speed for 3 minutes.
12. Pull-Ups or High Rows
13. Lunges with single dumbbell on one shoulder (switch sides for second set)
Use combined weight of the dumbbell pair you would normally use. I.e. if you normally use a 15-lb pair of dumbbells for hang carry lunges, use a 30-lb dumbbell.
14. Planks with alternating arm and leg extensions
Start in a bent elbow plank. As you straighten out and lift one arm so that your arm is at the height of your ear, extend the opposite leg. I.e. if you are lifting your right arm, extend the left leg. Alternate sides and repeat for 45 seconds.
15. Bent Over Rows
For the second set, repeat steps 2-15.

courtesy of, click here to view full article.

So far I've only completed one round each time I've done it.....the two times I've done it. This week I plan to do at least 2, hopefully 3 miles in the morning Mon-Thurs, and do the training MWF eve. I'll have to take a break Thursday night and all day Friday so I don't die on Saturday. This will be my 1st 5k this season, and my first real run since my leg injury in January.

I'm super psyched about running season. My original (and still secret) goal was to do a half in 2013. In reality I am shooting for 13 races in 2013; 5ks, maybe a 10k if I can hack it.

How are you doing on your goals?

Do you work out in the morning??

Here's hoping you got your taxes done! Happy tax day! If you live near a Sonic Drive-In, drinks are half price all day!!!!! ....ours is closed for remodel. Boo.


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