TWPICK Thursday, and where has the time gone?

Salut! So sorry for my hiatus, friends. I didn't mean to leave you hanging. I don't have pictures yet from last weekend, and another event is creeping up.

I promise to post them eventually, maybe, if I think about it.

This weekend I have 5 reminders of events on my phone, and I can't attend them all. The problem with having a lot of people you love, that love you and want you around, is that you don't have time for them all AND if you cram as much in as possible, you end up with no free time on the weekend. 1st world probs.

Running in circles

I intended to run last night, but then I didn't so.... I did lay on the foam roller to stretch my back and listened to my French language app while doing so.

I should get a few miles in tomorrow morning, and get back to running early next week. Maybe.
 High price or low quality

I went shopping recently and was disappointed to find what $30 buys. If I was buying just Totino's pizzas I could have brought home 20 pizzas. But since I (try to) shop healthy, this is what I got:

It's sad that it is cheaper to be unhealthy right now. Later in life it won't be, when the chemicals and additives catch up to you. But for now, it's cheaper.

1st world probs.
Between you, me, and the 'french' post:

I mentioned that I was listening to my French language app. I learned French in high school because I am a bit French-Canadian. However, I had no one to practice with and over time I lost my ability. I have a friend that is trying it with me, so hopefully we'll make major progress.

Stay tuned for possible pop-up posts in French! Au revoir!


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