So many days have passed

Hi friends. If you're here, thank you! I'm very sorry for the delay in updates. My life has been a bit hectic lately, with the naps, and the running, and ....well, the stuff I normally do that you like to hear about!

Sometimes we just get lost in our lives and forget to share. I know, that's 100% ok! You don't mind at all! I want you to know that I WANT to share things with you. That's why I blog! I promise to take very few breaks, and I promise they won't be as long as the 2014 break.

So, here I am. I back!

What have I been up to? Let's do a quick recap, and then we'll sit pretty until tomorrow for the full story.

Bathroom remodel!!!
Reading - sorta

I can't get my pics to sync to my Google account, so I'm having to do it manually. This is holding up production on amazing posts, and also slowing my desire to take pictures.

Come back on TUESDAY!!! for a picture dump of things and stuff. I know, this blog is losing it's mind....


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