Busy week?... and doing all the things! (obviously)

Ah Tuesday. Not Monday anymore, but not quite the end of Friday. 
(that was a stretch, I know)

 I don't have a lot of meat for this post this week. The last 7 days were all about the prep for last weekend. Now I'm trying to look forward toward new plans.

~ I've got a full agenda this week with a doctor appointment, a dentist appointment, a concert, and a trip to see my parents. Hopefully I'll also get to pop in to see some oldies but goodies while in town Saturday morning. There is a 3 year old birthday party Saturday afternoon for his cutey, cutey nephew. Plus, it's the weekend!! So many good things can happen; such as food, naps, sunshine, and stuff.

~ Concert!!!!! We're going to see Need To Breathe. This makes me so happy. You don't even know. It's going to be awesome. I promise to tell you all about it. I could list all of their songs that speak right to me, but I'd basically just be listing most of their discography. Check them out if you've never done so, it's worth it.

~ Just a little report about my half-marathon recovery. Soreness is but a memory. No stiffness. All good! Hopefully going for a nice shake out run on Thursday. I'll let you know my distance and how I felt. I know you like to hear about those things. Feelings.

Really thoughty things

On my mind today is the subject of grudges. We all have had them before. It was called to my attention today that I've been holding on to one in my heart. It took someone else calling it out for me to see it for what it was. I had been justifying it for some time, but didn't see that it was honestly a useless, energy-sucking, sinful grudge. Now I have to work on letting it go. Maybe this is part of what has stunted my prayer life lately. God sees these sins in us, and if we continue to ignore or deny recognizing them, He'll send someone to point it out. We can't move forward until we get that wall out of our way. Thank you, you, for having the courage to tell it like it is.


 I must not be very creative because I'm VERY tidy.

Yep. Cereal. Every time. Last night I went for cereal, the milk was expired. So I had iced tea, and went to bed. 

Thank goodness this exists in other places than my world. Often I try to decide how long is long enough before answering so I don't look like I'm doing absolutely nothing but holding my phone and waiting....other times I read it....and next week think of a response.

Doing this! Who wants to join me? We need accountability.

Buh-huh-huh-huh-huh. Trooth.

He's so cute. 


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