Busy week?... and doing all the things! (obviously)
Ah Tuesday. Not Monday anymore, but not quite the end of Friday.
(that was a stretch, I know)
I don't have a lot of meat for this post this week. The last 7 days were all about the prep for last weekend. Now I'm trying to look forward toward new plans.
~ I've got a full agenda this week with a doctor appointment, a dentist appointment, a concert, and a trip to see my parents. Hopefully I'll also get to pop in to see some oldies but goodies while in town Saturday morning. There is a 3 year old birthday party Saturday afternoon for his cutey, cutey nephew. Plus, it's the weekend!! So many good things can happen; such as food, naps, sunshine, and stuff.

Really thoughty things

Yep. Cereal. Every time. Last night I went for cereal, the milk was expired. So I had iced tea, and went to bed.
Thank goodness this exists in other places than my world. Often I try to decide how long is long enough before answering so I don't look like I'm doing absolutely nothing but holding my phone and waiting....other times I read it....and next week think of a response.
Doing this! Who wants to join me? We need accountability.
Buh-huh-huh-huh-huh. Trooth.
He's so cute.
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