
Showing posts from April, 2015

I Need To Breathe, you Need To Breathe, and I need to remind you it's KHAKI THURSDAY!

HELLO!  I hope you're wearing your khakis. If not, you may have your blog reading rights revoked! On second thought, you might be my only reader, on cargo shorts, or jeans, or maxi skirt, read on. Are you thankful for today yet? Take a moment and let the thought sink in. Are you smiling yet? I am. I am tired. I would rather be laying on my couch than working. I'm certain that playing in the sun would benefit me more right now than sitting under these fluorescent lights. I can think of a dozen things I'd rather be doing right now, but since I'm not doing those things, I'm going to rejoice in the right now. Won't you join me? ...there it is. Feel that smile? Yeah you do. On to the stuff! ________________________________________________________________________ Just Breathe Last night was the Need To Breathe concert in Grand Prairie. We had such a great time. Pit tickets gave us the opportunity to feel more involved in the experience. Stan...

My best advice

Wednesday, Wednesday, how are you? We're about half-way through the week and I'm already 100% done for the day. Some days I really want to stay in bed with my dreams. I didn't get quite enough sleep last night, but what I got was wonderful. It's my own fault for being drowsy today, so I can't be upset. Thank God I had a comfy bed to rest in, and a roof over my head. Now if only He would allow me to stay there longer sometimes. :) Today is the Need to Breathe concert. I'm totally pumped. Who wouldn't want to make the drive with a great guy by their side? Spending the evening worshiping and rocking out. I already have my big, dumb girl smile on. (shh, don't tell him, he'll tease me about my googly eyes again) Check back tomorrow for my concert review in one of my favorite posts: Khaki Thursday! I love my weekly traditions... __________________________________________________________________________ Things that make you go..."oh no, stop ...

Busy week?... and doing all the things! (obviously)

Ah Tuesday. Not Monday anymore, but not quite the end of Friday.  (that was a stretch, I know)  I don't have a lot of meat for this post this week. The last 7 days were all about the prep for last weekend. Now I'm trying to look forward toward new plans. ~ I've got a full agenda this week with a doctor appointment, a dentist appointment, a concert, and a trip to see my parents. Hopefully I'll also get to pop in to see some oldies but goodies while in town Saturday morning. There is a 3 year old birthday party Saturday afternoon for his cutey, cutey nephew. Plus, it's the weekend!! So many good things can happen; such as food, naps, sunshine, and stuff.   ~ Concert!!!!! We're going to see Need To Breathe. This makes me so happy. You don't even know. It's going to be awesome. I promise to tell you all about it. I could list all of their songs that speak right to me, but I'd basically just be listing most of their discography. Check them out...

OKC Memorial Run to Remember

I did it!! I ran my first half-marathon! Official time 3:13:55. This included a 14 minute stop at the port-a-potty and 5 2-minute stops. Runner friend was having trouble with her feet cramping so she had to adjust her shoes and stretch a bunch. We promised to not leave one another during our first half-marathon, so I would run on, then run back and get her. I only actually stopped when she had to take the potty break, as I knew it would get me too far ahead if I went on. Minus those delays, I would have finished around 2:49, averaging 12:50/mile. I am very happy with that thought. Let's review the experience. OKC Run to Remember is rated in the top 12 "must run" marathons by Runner's World. I would agree. There were so many great points that I don't think I'll be able to list them all. Here is a good overview though! General organization: The set up, signage, and announcements were top notch. At 5am when you're half awake and cold, it's nice to...

Marathon Prep and things that you can read or not. Your choice.

4/19/2015: 20th Anniversary of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing in OKC, OK. 4/26/2015: Run to Remember in honor of the 20th Anniversary. The first Run to Remember was in 2001 with just under 5,000 participants. Today it has grown to over 25,000 runners/walkers. This will be my first entry. I am running the half. As I write this I am overcome with emotion. I received my confirmation email just moments ago with my bib number. I can't believe it. I'm in a marathon known around the world. A very public stage where I get to participate in a very personal experience. Giving my all to do what I love, for no one but myself. An opportunity to push through my own pain and doubt in an attempt to reach a finish line that, at this time, seems so very far away. I am scared and nervous. No doubt these are the same emotions that run through each person upon facing adversity, tragedy, and eventually the hope for a future from behind its shadows. We face giants every day. The ...

Growing up, self-tanners, ...and doing all the things!!!!

Do you ever make lists of things you need to do? I don't mean things like stopping for gas, or buying a new nail polish. I mean BIG things. Grown up things. The kind of things that you have to do on your lunch break when the business is open. Things that require legal jargon, or measurements, or notaries. I've had a pretty overwhelming list for the past 4 months. I'm finally getting to the end of it, which feels good. Looking back however, I've noticed how much I ran from these tasks. Decisions that can change the course of your life need to be well thought out, and executed with importance. I took the time to research them, organize the plan, and then.....I postponed. I didn't delay because I didn't want to face them. I didn't delay because it caused an emotional downturn. I delayed simply because "I don't wanna!". I wanted my mom to do it, or my teacher, or my big sister. I don't wanna go talk to the mean man behind the desk. I don...

Monday, and I'm not the prom queen.

Don't you dare be chipper today. You are not allowed to read this if you got enough sleep. I'm running off of very little. Let me just tell you about it. After a long Saturday night (see fairytale section below) I was up at 8am Sunday planting Co-garden. I was gone Friday and Saturday while attending the BGCO Women's retreat, causing me to miss the better opportunities to plant. They were dying on the counter, something had to be done! So, plant, shower, off to worship. Chicken strip bonanza lunch. NAP. Mmmm, you know I like me some naps. He calls it face-down-couch-time. Good name for it. Mine is more slack-jawed-drool-time. Do you drool? I do. A lot. It's not the same as spit. It's cuter and endearing. Yes it is. ...yes it is. On to church workshop, then laundry-fest. Whoopie! After some visiting and a bit more napping I came to the realization it was not late at night, but early in the morning (like 1:20am early). My sheets were still in the washer, damp comfor...

Planting, scones, and doing all the things!

TUESDAY!!!!! Hi guys. Glad to have you back this week. I have been busy, so we have a lot to go over. Since last weeks check-in I can report that I still have not found my iPod. Sad face. I'm sure you were keeping high hopes that I would come back with positive news; so sorry. No dice. Also, no one has offered to let me borrow/buy one! You are not very helpful readers. ...wait, come back. I'm sorry, you're the best. Don't go! Ok. Here is what I have accomplished: I made homemade strawberry scones. They were a little tangy as the strawberries weren't as ripe as I would have liked. Also, I put too many strawberries in (as if that is possible) and so they were more moist than normal. Edible nonetheless and fantastic. Don't complain, you didn't make them. (like my dress? spring!)  I planted spearmint, lemon balm, chocolate mint, and basil. This is a random spearmint sprig that was left behind. I don't use the chimenea so I thought...