I Need To Breathe, you Need To Breathe, and I need to remind you it's KHAKI THURSDAY!

HELLO! I hope you're wearing your khakis. If not, you may have your blog reading rights revoked! On second thought, you might be my only reader, so...read on cargo shorts, or jeans, or maxi skirt, read on. Are you thankful for today yet? Take a moment and let the thought sink in. Are you smiling yet? I am. I am tired. I would rather be laying on my couch than working. I'm certain that playing in the sun would benefit me more right now than sitting under these fluorescent lights. I can think of a dozen things I'd rather be doing right now, but since I'm not doing those things, I'm going to rejoice in the right now. Won't you join me? ...there it is. Feel that smile? Yeah you do. On to the stuff! ________________________________________________________________________ Just Breathe Last night was the Need To Breathe concert in Grand Prairie. We had such a great time. Pit tickets gave us the opportunity to feel more involved in the experience. Stan...