Official Life Trip #3

We went on a quick weekend trip to Lake Murray. The hubs didn't get off work early like we had thought he would, so we got to the lake at dusk. It was beautiful though.

The hubs set up the tent...

...while weiner dog and I pretended to help with the instructions. 

 Ahh, home for the night.

I wouldn't think that a fire would feel nice in August, but after a late night swim it was comforting. Despite the 100+ temps, we sat by that fire for hours watching the stars come out and the moon dip down.


Fire is mesmorizing in the black of the night.

Hope we aren't under a burn ban!


It was too warm to sleep in the tent, so, we slept outside in the grass. The next morning hubs said he saw lots of people sleeping in their chairs. It's cool to think that so many strangers were all napping outside together. Trust is strong in the South!


On our way for a morning swim, then, off to Tucker Tower.

 The view of Tucker Tower from our campsite.

Quite a stoic building.

 The morning sky over Lake Murray.

 I wish I knew what kind of trees these were. They looked like they had been burned. 

We stopped along the spillway. We wanted to walk down closer, but I wasn't crossing the marsh in flip flops.

 Hey! A cactus!

Beautiful colors of summer.

 Sitting on top of Tucker Tower.

To the South,

and north.
 Looking down from the top of the world. Who says Oklahoma doesn't have paradise?

It was an interesting building inside. Alot of neat architecture, and one really cool spiral staircase. It reminded me of the one in my uncle house. I used to climb it as fast as I could, just to get dizzy.

 I really love old typewriters. I am the only one at work that still uses one. And this ancient one was right up my alley.

 Finally we headed home. We forgot how much swimming can wear you out, so after stopping at a McDonald's to nap in the parking lot, I took over and the hubs slept.
 And weiner dog slept too. I was left to drive all alone. Lazy boys!


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