Build here, build there

I'm going to share with you my vast knowledge of building, zoning laws, and ideas to help the environment, because as you remember, I'm a genius. What the heck is the point of the over sized subdivisions going up everywhere? People want to live outside the city, so a builder destroys countless acres to build huge homes on small lots too close together. Then strip malls come into the neighborhood offering every convenience: nail salon, check cashing, bank, liquor store, and of course...Walmart. Now people don't have to go to the "city" to get what they need, they now live in the city, again. If you are willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a home, and a half acre of grass to be in the "country", wouldn't you be willing to pay the same for a home, a few acres of land, and actually be in a country setting? I suggest that the city governments put more pressure on builders to acquire land in neighborhoods that are mostly condemned, buy the remaining inhabited homes from owners, and demolish and rebuild. You could easily build 6-7 large homes with sizable lots in an area of about 10sq blocks. This would give rich people the image they want with close proximity to existing businesses, thus reducing the number of new buildings being constructed and land being destroyed. Also, it would rid the area of a canker sore neighborhood, and provide the once-owners some much needed cash to improve their situation. Now, I don't think we should overpay for the old homes, but also not leave the owners without the funds needed to move. I know there must be city programs that help with this type of thing. And while we are talking about refurbishing areas, why are there not stricter rules towards businesses and locations? Can we not require a current business to remodel their current location or purchase a larger pre-existing lot to remodel or demo and rebuild, rather than allowing them to purchase vacant land to build a larger structure and then leave behind an empty building? I think we already have enough empty buildings. Not only are they eyesores, and dangerous (fire, crumbling, and enviro pollution), but they welcome vagrants and vandals! There should be a policy that you cannot expand or build new/larger unless you are using your current location or purchasing a vacant one, and you should be required to have yours sold before you open your new location. -since I'm so smart....


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