
Showing posts from 2016

Friday little bits

Happiness to everyone! This is the last Friday of 2016. Are you happy to have this year end? Are you happy to have a new year start? I'm not upset about this past year. Sure, 2016 brought me some bad days at work. I cried over a boy; well, he's not a boy, but that is how the cliche goes. I had disagreements with friends and family. I lost my grandmother.  I had many small bad things, and a few big, bad wolves. 2016 also brought me back to my love of running. I was accepted into YTT. I made some new friends. I FINALLY took a real vacation. I met the Wranglerstars. I cried over a boy (in good ways); again, not a boy, but you know. We can spend time focusing on how "bad" this year was, but if we do that, we're just wasting the last bit of 2016 being lame. We could be making GREAT memories! End this year on a positive note!!!! Quit feeding negativity. Get off of your soapbox and be amazing. Life is what you make it, right? So go make it something you want t...

Khaki Thursday, yoga nidra, and deep little droplet thoughts

Hey. It's Khaki Thursday ya'll! Man I love this day. I doesn't matter how tired I am (I woke up at 4am to a fake noise I 'heard'), how sore I am (running....), how grumpy I am (a few days each month, or a random day, or because #existence), I always have a little smile in there somewhere because it's TODAY! 4 AM: (my magical, amazing brain) What was that? Was that the back door? (slide out of bed, retrieve shotgun, pray the intruder doesn't hear the creaky wood floors and pinpoint your location). Sneak, sneak, sneak. How can I open the door without the handle making noise? Turning it to the right opens it easier, but louder. Turning it left eventually opens it quietly, but I may be in the back of a U-Haul by then... How much time did I just waste worrying about that? Crap. OPENS DOOR! AIMS! ....nothing. Like usual. What the heck am I hearing every night that is waking me up? This is why I used to sleep with earplugs in. Yes, that is dangerous, but if y...

Marathon training, cold-weather issues, and DOING ALL THE THINGS!!!!

Hey there travelers of the blog-sphere. I've been M.I.A. for about a million minutes. Did you even notice? TRAINING  Dec 25th may have been Christmas, but on a more serious (and terrifying) note, it marked 18 weeks until the OKC Memorial Marathon. Guess who paid for the full? Guess. Yes, the winner of last year's marathon entered. Yes, the second place person probably did too. Ok, ok, guess which non-winner paid for this year? Right! ME!!! This curl is gonna run (read: bouncing ponytail) 26 point flippin' 2 miles. I've committed to a 16 week program over 18 weeks to give myself some cushion. I know I can run 3-5 miles with effort, and could probably drag my rear for 6-8 if I was promised a hug at the end. Beyond that, it's a no. So, enter training! Oh, we know how much I love (riiiight....) training plans. I made it through 4 days of the last one; and that was my longest streak. I plan to use the extra 2 weeks somewhere in the middle for repeat weeks when...

Khakis, YTT, Running.....HELLO!!!

RUNNING! I'm admitting it: I can't run well on my own. There, I said it. I am terrible at pushing myself on the pavement. I like my comfortable pace, and I proudly show it. I'm not comfortable with my time or my progress. I've registered for my first full marathon. April 30th, 2017. I've paid for it, I've told people about it, I'm doing it. I have realized that I can fake my way through 13.1 miles, but I cannot fake my way through 26.2 miles. I HAVE to train. For real. Fo' realzies. How does one 'train' like an 'athlete'? Running coaches. Or, for poor people like me, free apps designed by running coaches. My issue with this has always been that I have to show up, on a regular basis, on a schedule set by someone other than myself, and do what someone else tells me to do. I'm not an entitled millennial, I'm just a stubborn, know-it-all, 30-ish woman from the South. Yeah, you get it. Ugh, running. Double ...

Return of the Khaki Thursday

Hello Friends. It's been a while. I've had quite a life going on, and honestly, I have been selfishly enjoying it in privacy. It's not that I don't love you all, or that I don't want you to celebrate things with me. Sometimes it's simply good to focus on the real things around you, and step back from the digital journal world. We don't have to share everything. Heck, we don't have to share ANYTHING! ...but I like to. You'll be pleased to know that I'm finally accomplishing some goals, I'm growing in both faith and self-worth, keeping active, and being a super person! Maybe we can get reacquainted? Maybe I can crack that door open a little, and let you peek inside? Maybe we can share some triumphs, and some heartache, and a little advice, and a lot of love? I think so; how about you? So take my hand, no, my other hand, there ya go. So, take my hand as we begin to walk through this life together again! I'll brief you on some ...

D-O for my B-O; back on the mat.

I'm on day 5 of trying Native natural deodorant. Let's take a quick trip though my sweat. I sweat. A lot. I sweat from my underarms, my back, my head, my forearms, my belly button, my tush, my kneecaps, the backs of my knees, my arches, and everywhere else that is covered in skin. I glisten, I glow, I gleam, I gush. I've used Dove, Secret, Degree, Suave. Regular, sensitive, clinical, prescription. Roll on, spray on, rub on. Clear, solid, opaque, glittered, gel, liquid, and unicorn paste. Nothing impedes it, it just keeps it from making people pass out when they get a whiff. "My, that river running down your spine sure smells fresh." Over the last year my concern has shifted from slowing the flowing to focusing on what's getting absorbed, and the long term effects. Recently I saw a study completed on natural antiperspirants and women. The top pick was Native. I've never heard of that and I live in Oklahoma. Everything is 'native' he...

Life lately, on the mat, stuff and things

Ugh......... how many days are there in a work week? Between setting fires with my mind at work, and my inability to sleep again, the past few weeks have worn on me. God help me, because I can't seem to help myself. _______________________________________________________________________ Mat Rat I've been back on my mat this year. I'm hoping to attend YTT in October so I'm focusing on my practice. Yoga is weird. I want to do it all day while I'm at the office, but early in the morning, and late in the evening I struggle to find the drive to get down and get yogi. I'm currently working on toe taps thanks to my Ab'Asanas e-book from Morgan over at the_southern_yogi (check her out on insta!) I'm also working on crow pose. I am dying to get deep into inversions but I need to learn good balance first. Check out my video clip on Instagram here where I didn't do so well a few nights ago. Meh, you gotta laugh at yourself.   Did I ever show yo...

The need to feel valuable

Inequity. The dictionary defines inequity as a lack of fairness, or to be unequal. While most people find fault in themselves based on a standard set by others, I find my 'faults' to be more of inequities; measured against my own standards that likely cannot be achieved. For years you've read about my goals, my failures, and my stick-to-it-iveness. Under it all, I am 100% failure, and 100% lack of assurance. This isn't an attempt to get your positive comments, or your support, or your 'you're beautiful, you're smart, you're "insert compliment here"'. No. This is a public expression of my realization that I place too much of my personal value in what I think others think of me. Not what they think of me, but what 'I THINK' they think of me. Have you ever seen the depiction of the man brain vs. the woman brain where ours looks like a bowl of spaghetti? Yeah, that's pretty accurate. Many of my 'inequities' are shallow...