Doing all the things Tuesday

Oh, how exciting a new, or renewed, journey can be! We've talked about it. We've procrastinated. We've made excuses. We've overslept, and laid on the couch.

We. Are. Ready.

It's yoga time!

See how far I have fallen. Watch how far I will rise.

Flexibility is at an all time low. This is good though, it works as motivation. I'm teaming up with Yoga by Candace on her 31 day challenge. I've restarted the November challenge she issued, but she is starting a new challenge per her Instagram today. Eep! I chose Ardha Baddha Paschimottanasana, or, half bound lotus west extension for us Okies.

This is how I should look, and at one time, I did. Journey. It's a journey.

Hop over to her Instagram, YouTube, or website to check it out for yourself. I'm in no way affiliated, just motivated and inspired. That's why I'm here, to share mine and help yours.
Last night was double date night! We went with a couple that he knows semi-well, and I was excited to get to know better. How do adults get to know one another? Well, burgers, fries, and laser tag, DUH! I lasered so many kids.... It was a laser-cre. Mwahahaha!

Jalapeno baja burger and rosemaryEVOO fries from SmashBurger gave us fuel, and we later wound down with a few arcade games and free soda at the casino. Ya know, adults have to be thrifty too.


the Limited provided a nice sweater selection this year. Today's wearable is my new fave. I have stayed away from long, free-flowing shirts for a while, as I feel they make me look overweight and/or preggo. Meh, I've stopped caring about that idea. Mmmmm....asymmetrical buttons, so wonderful.


 Santa (aka, runningCurl) made a splash with my family this year. All the nieces and the one nephew (of my OK fam) got many, many autie gifts. A few other select members received tokens of my thoughts.

Splash is accurate. Did you see how much rain NEOK got? When they say 'take the high road' they really mean it around there.

I found this lavender infused soda at Eatzies. Um...yes please. More!!

Accurate weather map for NEOK on Dec 26 - 27. 78 degrees, then a few tornadoes, flooding, 40 degrees with 60mph wind, then 26 degrees with sleet, and finally, 2 earthquakes on Tuesday. Some people really do have it all.....



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