Tradition? Schmadrition.

It's Thursday, who's wearing khakis???? NOT ME!!!!

Black skirt, black tights, black shooties....looooooong jacket. Yeah.

Haha! I know Prell got that.

I have a monster bruise on my leg, so no bare skin today. That doesn't mean I couldn't wear long khakis, but I've grown tired of the few I have.

Today at lunch I discovered a package on my front porch. What is it?!

(drumroll please......................)


I know....I'm turning into one of 'those' people. But, think about it. I've tried a bunch of new things in 2015, just for fun. I didn't continue Blue Apron, but I did try it. I've tried new foods, but didn't necessarily keep eating them. I've tried new fitness options, but may have backslid to my old ways. I Hulu and Netflix instead of DishNetwork. I even bought a tablet, but I only use it for blogging and movies. I'm trying to try things, but that doesn't mean I'm staying on the bandwagon.

I didn't open it yet, because I love anticipation. Tonight we'll see what my 'stylist' sent me, and I'll have a report for you soon.

In the mean time, we're hoping for above freezing temps in the morning so I can walk at the track.
I'm hoping for good luck on my crochet and craft projects tonight.

Also, prayer is so powerful. I know you know that, and you know I know that, but we all know that we forget. When we really believe in our heart that we are talking directly to God, He hears it, and if it is part of His plan for us, He'll deliver. If He says yes it's a yes, and if He says no it's a yes. We just have to believe.

Proverbs 16:6

xoxo, until tomorrow!


  1. Looooooooong jacket, yeah.

    I'm excited to see what you got in your fix! I have a fix-er in my office but I've never committed.


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