Straighten up and fall right

Happy Wed-uh-nes-day to you.

I overslept, again, and didn't accomplish any predawn physical activity. Sorry neighbor! I left you stranded in the driveway at 5am!

I made it back to the chiropractor today since my lower back has been agonizing. I hadn't been since just before Thanksgiving and I could tell. While there I got my necklace caught on the table and broke it (but fixed it), cried because the bad, bad pain felt really good at the same time, and then I fell off of the sidewalk on my way to my truck. Good thing I have another appointment scheduled...

129 days until the OKC Run to Remember! What am I going to do? I have a sore ankle now, no discipline, and less enthusiasm than a proctology intern.

Remember this? 30 minutes before the start of the 2015 OKC Marathon. I can't wait to get back there!

Thankfully Christmas is almost here. I'm about worn out on plans for that, but presents are always fun! Did you buy my yoga mat yet? There's still time!

I need to finish work for the day so that I can head home to make chili.

Things I need to do:

Read my bible
Finish crochet and paint pen projects
Stop falling (except in love) ((I know....gross))

Look at that, I put 'run' last. I guess we know how I really feel about it. Obviously blogging is a science and gives us a clear picture of what's really in our minds and hearts. It's science, people. 


  1. If blogging is science, what does my blog say about me?


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