Crochet Tuesday and ...things?


How long has it been since I did girls night with M? I don't remember either! Tonight is old fashioned, throwback, doin' it up, ladies night. You know what that means....tacos and complaining in sweatpants!!!

Actually, I'll be working on some Christmas crochet projects while she vents/updates me on life on Pine Street.

Here is one project I'll be making:
You can check out the creators post and pattern here on Little Monkeys Crochet. 

I have high hopes for a good result. You know I always do, and then it doesn't, and then I just give up. At least I'm consistent.

No, I didn't work out. No, I didn't run. No, I didn't yoga.

Oh! Yoga! Hey blog-fans. If you needed a last minute idea for Christmas, for me, and you have money to blow, here is what I want.
Go here and buy one now! Please? You can ship it straight to my office and I promise to upload a picture of me using it. least standing on it. 

The traditional magic carpet yoga mat. They are $45-$98, but they are soooooo sweet. If 98 of you get together this could be totally doable. Think about it!

Also, if you want to cut costs and get something less useful but just as rad, you can get me this:
I have a Galaxy S4, so make sure you get the right one. Super cool, just like me and you! Land ho!

Ok, I'm not full of information today. Work, Christmas shopping with the beardface, too much food, and not enough sleep.

Let's regroup tomorrow, eh?


  1. Welcome back blog friend! I hope you get all the presents and get a nap.


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