Racking up the miles

Yesterday I decided to push myself a little and get in some extra running time. As you know, I did 3.1 on the dreadmill treadmill Friday. Yesterday I tried 2.5 outside, including 2 hills.  I.Need.New.Shoes. That's for sure. I pushed as hard as I could. Walked about 1/10th total, and finished in about 30 mins. That comes out to a 12 min mile. Blag! Afterwards I crawled to my car, went home to have a pickle, changed my socks, and met a friend for a 2 mile walk/jog. By the end I was beat.

Since time rolled back yesterday there will be no outdoor running during the week. It will now be dark by the time I leave my office, and I have a 30 min commute. Off to the gym!!!

In personal business, I had burgers and played Apples to Apples on Friday with running buddy. I won. Woot Woot. On Saturday my wonderful mom came to visit. We had a fabulous time, but she had to go back home. I cried when she left. Stupid loving relationships. Hmph. While she was here we got to check out the Dia De Los Muertos Art Festival in Denison. That was pretty cool. We haven't spent much time appreciating 'art' so we popped in a few galleries.

Saturday night I napped until 10.30pm. I meant to get up at 8 to go get a bottle of wine but decided I like sleeping more. Sunday was full of church activities, running, eating, and football. My 'Boys lost ...again. It's tough being a Dallas fan. I forgot to make adjustments on my fantasy team and lost. Boo. OU won, Bama put LSU away. And OK State got their mouths shut by KState too. What up?!

What was your weekend like?

Did you eat anything super wonderful?

How many miles did you get in?


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