
Showing posts from December, 2015

Doing all the things Tuesday

Oh, how exciting a new, or renewed, journey can be! We've talked about it. We've procrastinated. We've made excuses. We've overslept, and laid on the couch. We. Are. Ready. It's yoga time! See how far I have fallen. Watch how far I will rise. Flexibility is at an all time low. This is good though, it works as motivation. I'm teaming up with Yoga by Candace on her 31 day challenge. I've restarted the November challenge she issued, but she is starting a new challenge per her Instagram today. Eep! I chose Ardha Baddha Paschimottanasana, or, half bound lotus west extension for us Okies. This is how I should look, and at one time, I did. Journey. It's a journey. Hop over to her Instagram , YouTube , or website to check it out for yourself. I'm in no way affiliated, just motivated and inspired. That's why I'm here, to share mine and help yours. ________________________________________________________________________ Eats Las...

Tradition? Schmadrition.

It's Thursday, who's wearing khakis???? NOT ME!!!! Black skirt, black tights, black shooties....looooooong jacket. Yeah. Haha! I know Prell got that. I have a monster bruise on my leg, so no bare skin today. That doesn't mean I couldn't wear long khakis, but I've grown tired of the few I have. Today at lunch I discovered a package on my front porch. What is it?! (drumroll please......................) MY FIRST FIX!!! I know....I'm turning into one of 'those' people. But, think about it. I've tried a bunch of new things in 2015, just for fun. I didn't continue Blue Apron, but I did try it. I've tried new foods, but didn't necessarily keep eating them. I've tried new fitness options, but may have backslid to my old ways. I Hulu and Netflix instead of DishNetwork. I even bought a tablet, but I only use it for blogging and movies. I'm trying to try things, but that doesn't mean I'm staying on the bandwagon. ...

Straighten up and fall right

Happy Wed-uh-nes-day to you. I overslept, again, and didn't accomplish any predawn physical activity. Sorry neighbor! I left you stranded in the driveway at 5am! I made it back to the chiropractor today since my lower back has been agonizing. I hadn't been since just before Thanksgiving and I could tell. While there I got my necklace caught on the table and broke it (but fixed it), cried because the bad, bad pain felt really good at the same time, and then I fell off of the sidewalk on my way to my truck. Good thing I have another appointment scheduled... 129 days until the OKC Run to Remember! What am I going to do? I have a sore ankle now, no discipline, and less enthusiasm than a proctology intern. Remember this? 30 minutes before the start of the 2015 OKC Marathon. I can't wait to get back there! Thankfully Christmas is almost here. I'm about worn out on plans for that, but presents are always fun! Did you buy my yoga mat yet? There's still time! ...

Crochet Tuesday and ...things?

TUESDAY!!!!!! How long has it been since I did girls night with M? I don't remember either! Tonight is old fashioned, throwback, doin' it up, ladies night. You know what that means....tacos and complaining in sweatpants!!! Actually, I'll be working on some Christmas crochet projects while she vents/updates me on life on Pine Street. Here is one project I'll be making: You can check out the creators post and pattern here on Little Monkeys Crochet.  I have high hopes for a good result. You know I always do, and then it doesn't, and then I just give up. At least I'm consistent. No, I didn't work out. No, I didn't run. No, I didn't yoga. Oh! Yoga! Hey blog-fans. If you needed a last minute idea for Christmas, for me, and you have money to blow, here is what I want. Go here and buy one now! Please? You can ship it straight to my office and I promise to upload a picture of me using it. least standing on it.  The tradit...


Hello there! I got my google photos to sync again! It's been over a month since I was last here with you, and longer than that since I had functioning sync. It's a bit sad how reliant we are on technology. Let's get it out of the way: I'm sorry. Ok, now, that we are super friends again, I want to get you up to speed. Unfortunately I don't have pictures for EVERY exciting moment of the past 4-6 weeks, but I do have a lot. Let's see what I've been up to! I'm sticking by my belief that this is a positive thought. It really could turn the other way quickly. WORST. THING. EVER In November our Leadership group toured 5 of the largest employers in our area, aside from the hospital. My favorite was Cardinal Glass. I faced my fear and walked along side a 1/4 mile length piece of continually moving glass. It starts as sand, then in 3000 degree temps becomes a blob that eventually becomes the most terrifying, scary, bad, bad thing: Glas...