Go! Run! Finish!

5k #1 down!

ORF and I completed our main street 5k a few hours ago. We were not the fastest, but, we finished strong, together, and running. 100% of the course run. 100% of the effort put in. 100% of the glory to God. He gives me strength when I have none.

Many of the blogs I follow mention the volunteers in their race recaps. Now I see why. They make a difference! Ours were ready with the water/gatorade. Ready with the signs, applause, cheers, encouragement, directions. Ready with the juice and fruit, burritos, muffins...everything! Thank you volunteers!!

Nothing compares to that final corner and seeing the finish line.

Now, on to 5k #2, #3, and then a 10k, a half, and maybe a full.

Couldn't have done it without ORT and the support of friends and family. Or without the encouragement from other runner blogs. And God!


  1. God is good and so are you for running a 5K!


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