Feeling successful

Preparing for my first 'real' 5K has brought a lot of emotion and mental fighting. I know that I know that I know I can run 3.1 miles. But I also know that my body hasn't been able to get me there all on its own. Usually it is worn out by 1.5 - 2 miles. Even today, 24 hrs from the race, I haven't gone over 2 miles. I have been back and forth with frustration and joy. I have felt successful at 1.5, and I've felt like a failure at 1.5.

Last night other running girl and I went for our last pre-race, regular route jog. We did 1.6, like normal. But when we got done, we felt like we could have run a million more! That gave me hope for tomorrow. Hope that I can do the entire 3.1. I'll have my running buddy with me to push me, I'll have 600+ other runners inspiring me, and God will be carrying me mile by mile...by mile. There are only 3, so it should work out. :)

Press on runners. Press on!


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