Trust in me, just in me... Running around, and doing all the things!

Are you alive? Did you die with 2016? Is it a terrible year yet??

Get over it.

2017 is just another year. Starting the month of January isn't any different than starting the month of July (which is the best month, in case you were wondering).

What IS great is that God is the same today as yesterday, and tomorrow. Unless He comes back before tomorrow...well, no, because He'll still be the same, but we won't be. (insert long pause)

If you waited until January 1 to change something in your life, I want to let you know that you didn't have to wait, but since you made the change, CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to a new perspective. You might fail, but that is ok. You will fail at some things, but you will also succeed at some things. (This is the Dude's least favorite advice from me (I think it's some of my best))

Do or do not, there is no try. As long as you stepped out in faith, stepped out on the Word, stepped up to the plate, stepped in line, stepped out of line, stepped back, or stepped in deep...., then you made a move, which is so brave. Look at you, being brave.


I ran my 5 miles Saturday. Sunday was a rest day. Monday started week 2 of official marathon training (#crazyperson). 3 miles last night, and 4 on the schedule for tonight.

I've successfully gotten out of the 12+ minute mile, and am consistently in the upper to mid 11s. My goal is to get back into the low 10s by April. That's where I left off in the summer of 2015 when I was running daily. Shoe laces crossed!

108 what? 

I completed the 108 Sun Salutations Saturday morning. I can't lift my arms, and my hamstrings exploded somewhere between church Sunday and dinner last night.

If you aren't familiar with a sun salutation, you should check it out online. It's a very simple beginning to any yoga asana. Most people do a few at the beginning of practice to connect movement with breath, and warm up the body. NYT does a class for New Year's focusing on new intentions for the new year, and securing your chosen intention with repetition. 108 repetitions to be exact. (108 has great significance in Hindu and yogic traditions. Look it up, it isn't black magic, I promise) 
My intentions for this year have flowed between generosity, focus, commitment, release, and fulfillment. I continue to focus mostly on 'Don't move without your breath'. This came somewhere around sun salutation 36 or so. One breath, one pose. Let your breath move you, don't move without your breath.

If I can get my life to function in this manner, my actions will be more mindful. What do you think?


I cleaned the front porch of my fall decorations. The pumpkins went into the compost, and got a little chopping thanks to my new Rogue Hoe. This thing is SHARP. It's the most high quality garden tool I have. Keep an eye out for it in posts over the next season, it's going to be a big help.


Scooter got to go for a spin, as we had a few days in the upper 60s recently. Our snow chances have disappeared once again. It's too cold today for a ride, but, we have a day next week with a forecast of 73 degrees.

Do you remember the really fluffy chocolate chip cookies I made a few years ago? The batch that I hid under my desk? You remember, I brought them to work to share, and somehow ate them all before sharing? No? Probably because I didn't even share the I found the recipe finally!!! Tonight is cookie night. You know what that means, I get to use the KitchenAid again!

Lastly, I know you're really going to be excited about this.The 20s are in!!!! #mizuno #waverider20 #Irunthisbody #psyougotthis #hashtag


How are your intentions going?
What is your 'one and only' exercise brand?


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