A weak week, and new feature: Insomnazon

Running news! I'm in week 3 of marathon training. Total miles for the week: 0. uh..... I kept to my schedule for weeks 1 and 2, and even ran an extra 1.31 miles on my long run last Saturday. I offset that with 1.31 waffles, 1.31 extra pieces of bacon, and 1.31 extra creamers per cup of coffee. I have YTT this weekend, and as per usual I'm behind on practice and homework. I decided to focus on my yoga this week, and catch up on my running next week. I wish I wasn't doing this, because we had 2-3 days in the 70s, so it was great running weather. But, I built 2 extra weeks into my training in case I got off schedule. So lay off! YTT You know how most people are afraid of performing in front of strangers? I'm the opposite. I fear my loved ones so badly. I think I'm afraid that they will be more critical because they genuinely want to help me by critiquing me. I don't want that! I want you to just do what I tell you, and not tell me to be better! I spen...