Palm trees, hills of death, mangoes, OH MY!!!

I'm back from the Cali coast. ...I know, I don't know why I came back either! Friday morning I got in a 5 mile run, on the California hills. I want you to know that I didn't plan to run 5 miles because I can't run that far; or so I thought. I was TRICKED into running 5 miles by being told we were running 3 to 4 miles. West coast running coach : We'll do 3-4 miles. Can you handle that? Running Curl : Yeah, I think so! Cut to 45 mins later. WCRC : Ok, so if we add one more mile,... RC : ANOTHER MILE?!?!?! WCRC : As I was saying...if we add another mile, you'd have your 10k. That was 5 miles. Congrats! RC : (wheeze, wheeze, pant, pant) Huh? Awesome! I'm going to kill you! Can we walk now? I feel amazing. I think I'm dying. Ok, I'm good. It's time for a mimosa. I spent time in the pool, the hot tub, and on the rooftop deck. I did morning yoga on that deck btw. I'm sure our friends' neighbors enjoyed that sce...