2 months of adventures

Ok, so you want some updates? Here we go!

I mentioned in my last post that I finally bought new shoes.
TADA!!!! Aren't they beautiful? My new bff at Run On said I had Brooks feet and she could tell when I came in. Sigh, I know, I'm

SPI-belt from Run on. Good for shot bloks, almonds, cell phones, and teeny, tiny guns.
To the point. She is on a speaking tour for her series "Steppin' Out" and was at a local church. I got to go listen to her along with an amazing group of women. I highly recommend her books, cds, church, ideas, etc. I don't like to buy into others feelings or agenda, but I think God is leading her, and she is paying attention. Anyway, off the soapbox. At the end of the night, I won these super cute flowers, in this super cute rainboot vase!!! Got them on 3/1/13, and as of 3/13/13 they are still blooming. I'm pretty good at keeping cheap things alive eh? I mean, I'm still here...

Here's mine:
Sweet potatoes
Brown rice
Sour cream
Peanut butter
I was lucky enough to find PB and Sour cream each made with only 1 ingredient. Good luck, it's not as easy as you think. This made me pay more attention to the amount of 'stuff' in my food.
This is a picture of my back-up plan in case the stores were out of all my 7 acceptable food items. At least it's within the guidelines!! Thanks Trader Joe's, always there for me.

The wardrobe:
Black slacks
Dark basic jeans
Blue cardi
Pink cardi
Oatmeal heather 3/4 pocket shirt
Lounge pants...(I couldn't do it w/o these)
I considered the fact that this means I have to wear my black slacks M-W at work, then khakis on Thurs, and jeans on Friday. I could have traded my lounge pants for another pair of slacks, but, that wasn't happening. Since pj's count too, w/o the loungies I'd be sleeping in street clothes. Jenn did it, good for her. I need my softies. Weekends will be a mix of whatever i wear all week, or, lounge pants. In town on Saturday, and in church on Sunday. They love me, and they have to allow it...it's a God thing. Mwahahahaha. Undershirts I consider to be underwear, so I have my white tanks. And my workout clothes were allowed to not be counted. So there. Take that.
So far it's going well since I basically rotate the same 2 pair of pants and 3 cardis all week anyway. I doubt anyone will notice.
Here is a random picture from our box seats at the Tulsa 66ers game. Friends with connections = fun free night. Except for the gas to drive to Tulsa...and the cost of food...and tolls.
Also found at Trader Joe's. Didn't buy it, but wine that makes you happy just looking at it is amazing!

Love the color of your new shoes!
ReplyDeleteThank you thank you!