2 months of adventures

Ok, so you want some updates? Here we go! I mentioned in my last post that I finally bought new shoes. TADA!!!! Aren't they beautiful? My new bff at Run On said I had Brooks feet and she could tell when I came in. Sigh, I know, I'm perfect full of it. Anyway, the Brooks Raveena 4 felt awesome, and you can find yourself a pair here . SPI-belt from Run on. Good for shot bloks, almonds, cell phones, and teeny, tiny guns. Now, if you are way behind the times, and didn't read my mind in my absence, then you are not Dionne Warwick. In this case, you don't know about 7. 7, An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jenn Hatmaker is about finding our way out of reliance on the overabundance of choices, and making room for God. We constantly ask Him to change our path or help us see more clearly, but if we are too busy focusing on too much, we may miss His call. This book was written during her first-hand experience with reducti...