Some dreams of recent

There was a grocery store line, and 3 cashiers. 2 women, one man. Staggered. It was a special occassion, and some agreed to work for more money. But they had to scrub the store top to bottom. (I'm assuming I thought of this because in real life Taco Bueno had a sign up yesterday saying they were closing early, and I guessed it was for a health inspection cleanup.) I switched lines a few times, but never got any closer to leaving. One opened up finally, but the guy just stood staring at me, and wouldn't talk. I remember seeing one of the women scrubing the metal hand rails outside the automatic door.

I was in a large common area, with a water fountain. Much like in New Moon. It was dusk outside. We had a school band/vocal group preparing to perform. It was at setup for a lesson in not spending money on things we don't need, and then not having money later when we need it most. They had all but one flute player join with the vocalists in singing the 12 days of Christmas. When the flutes were supposed to play their part, there was only 1, and it was barely audible. Thus proving that by taking something from one area, just because it is in abundance, doesn't mean it is a good idea. You may need it all later down the road, somewhere around "5 golden rings!".

Once, I was in a crazy house that had a hidden closet nearly the size of an attic. It was inside the room my older brother used, but I had stowed some secret furniture in there. I wanted to get it out and use it, because it was beautiful. I waited till he left for the day, and snuck through his room to the closet. Once all the furniture was placed around the home, I realized that he would recognize it from the closet and know I had been in his room. So I had to put it all back.

The coolest house I dreamt of was a U shaped house. I remember only 2 rooms. One had a a strangely low ceiling, and long entry way. It had ugly cheap trim, and that sort-of sparkly ceiling. But in one corner, the corner to the left of the entry along the nearest wall, it had the most unique window. Because the home was U shaped, the wall was on the open side to the inner garden. In that corner above the bed, on both walls were glass cubes in a stair-step pattern up the wall to the ceiling. It then spread out on the ceiling in the same design for approx. 8 feet. Beautiful! Imagine sleeping under that on a clear or stormy night. The only thing I recall about the other room, was that it had white marble floors and 3 sets of french doors. It was across the garden.

I realize I dream about houses alot.


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