The clouds have parted, the sun is shining, and this curly girl is alive again. A very dark winter took me away from many of the things I loved, including blogging. As I mentioned in a past post, I went through a divorce in 2014. It wasn't a terrible divorce, or a lengthy, angry divorce. It was however a lengthy separation; 2+ years. When the final court date arrived, and the papers were signed, I felt a huge weight lifted off of me. I've taken some time since then to adjust to the thought of no longer bearing the label of 'wife' or 'partner' or 'companion'. I started that adjustment when the separation started in 2012, but it became real when the divorce was filed. Once it was final, the idea fit better, like pair of running shoes after a few miles. :) You just have to wear it a bit in order for it to become part of you. Although my identity is not defined by my relationship labels, it is something we wear, and therefore should take time to be comfor...
I love you and your mind. :)