Some dreams of recent
There was a grocery store line, and 3 cashiers. 2 women, one man. Staggered. It was a special occassion, and some agreed to work for more money. But they had to scrub the store top to bottom. (I'm assuming I thought of this because in real life Taco Bueno had a sign up yesterday saying they were closing early, and I guessed it was for a health inspection cleanup.) I switched lines a few times, but never got any closer to leaving. One opened up finally, but the guy just stood staring at me, and wouldn't talk. I remember seeing one of the women scrubing the metal hand rails outside the automatic door. I was in a large common area, with a water fountain. Much like in New Moon. It was dusk outside. We had a school band/vocal group preparing to perform. It was at setup for a lesson in not spending money on things we don't need, and then not having money later when we need it most. They had all but one flute player join with the vocalists in singing the 12 days of Christmas. Wh...