UnderTech Undercover Review!

Running at night can be dangerous. Heck, running in the daylight is dangerous. People with malicious intent roam the streets at all hours.

Runners aren't hurting anyone. Just leave us alone!!!!

As a female, I feel more likely to be followed, verbally accosted, or physically attacked, when on a run alone. I would love to run with partners, but it isn't always an option. When training for a marathon you have to get in long runs, when you can, and usually that is after work. Daylight Savings means sunsets around 5:30pm, and that is inconvenient when you work until 6pm.

What is a girl to do?

Don't be fooled into thinking that a pepper spray or can of mace will save you. Many times it is used against the victim. You are taken by surprise, fumble to retrieve the canister (which the attacker suspects you have on you) and then you have to hope the nozzle is pointed in the right direction. Also, if you've had it for more than a few months, the nozzle could be clogged if you keep it in your purse, or worse, it could just be faulty. If you're lucky enough that it does work, the attacker may wrestle it from you, and then you're in trouble.

Let's talk guns. No, not my awesome biceps, but thanks for noticing. Firearms. If you really believe that disarming society is going to help make us safer, then you won't like my post. I do hope you read on though, and give it some thought.

I own guns. I have a CCL. I usually have a loaded firearm on me, no matter where I am. I'm an unlikely subject, and I believe that gives me an advantage. While looking like a pretty, helpless gal may invite more chances to be attacked, it also may give the attacker a false sense of ability to be victorious. Bring. It. On.

I need more training. We all do. You can never train enough for an attack. Do I think I'm prepared to be victimized? No. Do I know for certain that I could manage to fight off an attacker? No. Do I have an advantage that they may not expect? Uh....yaaaasssss.

Running with guns though....ooh. That seemed difficult. If you plan to wear a gun, don't plan on it being comfortable. It's a gun, not a camisole. However, I want it to be tolerable.

I did some research on ways to run with my firearm. Sports bras, compression shirts, back and hip holsters, and tights. I chose to buy and test the UnderTech Undercover full length running tight, thanks to a lot of women on Instagram.

I'm sold. They rock.

I've had them for about a month now. We've gone at least 75 miles together, 10 miles being the longest single run so far. Since I've gone on, and on for too long, I'll get right to my points:

Very comfortable
Warm on the cold days
Moisture wicking on the warm days
Extra long (for those of us that won the long limb lottery)
High waist makes for secure hold
Choice of kidney carry or appendix carry

Requires a 2 handed draw
I cut my hip open when I first tried them on. The holster padding is very stiff.
My lower abs were very sore after the initial run, but that went away with a few more outings.
Price (but can you put a price on your safety?)

UnderTechUndercover offers this carry option in capri length, and shorts. I'll be purchasing the capris this spring, and will be back with a review of that pair.

This may not be a carry option for you, but I give it a 100% yes for me. With a price tag of $89.99 this is not an investment I wanted to make without my research. I'm glad I watched videos, and read multiple reviews. So far, they are worth every penny spent.

Note: I carry a S&W M&P shield, 9mm single-stack.

*I did not contact UTUc about this review, nor did they contact me, and I'm not being paid for it. I think we should have honest information, so that we can make the best decision for ourselves.


  1. Great information! Thank you for the review! I hope to review my Dene Adams corset holster in the coming weeks. Not for running, of course, I don't do that crazy stuff, but for other things in life!


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