When you lose your feeling

I haven't been blogging much lately, and I'm sorry about that. Actually, I'm not really sorry as it doesn't really affect anyone, but I'm sorry somehow.

I've been busy doing my own things. I haven't run much since my 10k. My time in that race really got me down, and I have had moments of reconsidering my choice of exercise. I'm not quitting, I don't think I could. I am taking a break though. Since we've rolled time back it's now too dark to run after work, and I'm not quite back to running in the morning. My pants aren't happy about it, but they don't get a vote. Fall is a season for layers anyway, so we'll just pretend I'm still fit. :)

I did get the sink installed...almost. It runs water, and drains, so I can brush my teeth in the bathroom again. My plumber has to come back to make some adjustments to the p-trap so we can get the storage drawer in, I need to finish the floor underneath, and thanks to an uneven sub floor I will have to shim the vanity. Awesome, $400 for something that I can't use as is. ...oh to be a renter again.

Halloween came and went. The cuties were feeling better so they came for trick-or-treat goodies at the brick house. Dinner with my faves after, and then (queue creepy music) The Thing. I had never watched it so Halloween is as good a time as any for a gross, scary, jump-out-of-your-skin movie.

Naps during the rain, 2 stepping, food, friends....that's really better than anything.

The dude's birthday is today, so there will be plenty of cake, cookies, chicken, and celebrating. That's a lot of C's.

I still can't upload pictures to my Google account, so we'll just have to use our imaginations again today.

How have all of you been? 
Are you keeping up with your fitness goals for the year? 

We're in November and it is getting harder to hang in there. Sometimes I feel that with the dawning of a new year so close, we tend to slack the most around this time. Using holiday schedules and food as an excuse. 


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